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FIM (Fbi IMproved) image viewer program homepage

A screenshot of a regular (framebuffer) FIM run (SDL would look the same) A screenshot of a monochrome ASCII Art FIM run A screenshot of a coloured ASCII Art FIM run
FIM is a universal image viewer inspired by GNU/Linux concepts.  
FIM is a highly customizable and scriptable image viewer for users who are comfortable with software like the VIM text editor (see this minitutorial) or the Mutt mail user agent (see this minitutorial).  
It has been developed with GNU/Linux in mind, but can be built to run on several Unix systems, and with some adaption even on MS-Windows, WebAssembly (via emscripten), or Android (via termux).
It is rather lightweight, as it depends on a few libraries, and most of them optional. It can display in full screen and you control it using the keyboard.
It is universal: it can open many file formats and it can display pictures in the following video modes:
When starting up, FIM selects a user-specified or auto-detected graphical mode, among those enabled when building FIM.
FIM is free software (see licensing info) and it is richly documented (see the documentation section).
Official FIM homepage: (this ugly one here, yes).
Savannah Project web page:
Official mirror (on the Savannah mirror network):
Official FIM mailing list:

FIM has been realized by Michele Martone (, after inspiration from other software (especially VIM) and science fiction movies.  
FIM started as a patch for, then a fork of the Fbi image viewer by Gerd Hoffmann.
If you like FIM, consider: sending a "thank you" message to its author; supporting the Savannah project, whom network kindly hosts FIM repositories; donating to the Free Software Foundation Europe; donating to the Free Software Foundation; donating to Autistici/Inventati.

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We have the following tutorials:

Tutorial: Browsing through a photo collection with FIM

The very basics of FIM are opening files, e.g.: fim DSC_0001.JPG DSC_0002.JPG or a directory of files, e.g.: fim -R ~/Pictures/
... and browsing through them with the basic keys:
n (next file), p (previous file), + (magnify), - (reduce), r (rotate), m (mirror), f (flip), ...
(see documentation for the common defaults for keys and commands).

Starting with version 0.5, FIM has powerful features to browse through photo collections.
Say you have a collection of digital photographs, e.g. thousands of JPEG files:
$ ls

You can maintain textual descriptions of them and have them displayed in FIM.
To do so, first produce a text description file, say with: ls | sed 's/$/\t/g' > files.dsc, containing:
# This is a FIM images description file.
# A line beginning with a pound (#) is treated as a comment.
# Each line consists of the file name, a Tab character and a textual description of the given picture:
DSC_0001.JPG	A big dog.
DSC_0002.JPG	A statue.
# ...
sample.jpg	Busto di Diana. Da Pompei, 1817, rinvenuto presso i portici occidentali del santuario di Apollo. Bronzo, II s.a.C. MANN, inv. 4895.
# The file can be long as you wish.

Then invoking e.g. fim --load-image-descriptions-file files.dsc sample.jpg ... will additionally display each image description on screen, just like in the following screenshot:
On the top of the screen you can see the Busto di Diana. Da Pompei, 1817... image description from the files.dsc file.
But one can display more information about the image.
In the status line (lower side) of the screenshot there is additional information, which can be customized via the _display_status_fmt and _info_fmt_str variables of your ~/.fimrc file.
The _info_fmt_str variable controls the information in the lower right corner, e.g.:
# This is a sample custom ~/.fimrc file.
# A line beginning with a pound (#) is treated as a comment.
# The other lines are treated as fim commands and need to end with a ; (semicolon).

# _info_fmt_str is set to display current scale percentage, width, height, ... 
_info_fmt_str="%p%% %wx%h%L %i/%l%P img:%M cache:%C tot:%T %c"; 

# See man fimrc for a reference on the fim language commands.

In the left side of the status line of the screenshot there is additional information: [1/15 sec.][f/4.0][ISO400].
These are respectively exposure time, aperture and ISO Speed rating.
FIM extracts this information from the EXIF section of the JPEG file at load time.
EXIF information usually pertains the camera, the shot and the digitized image, and can be camera and vendor specific.
Each piece of such information is called EXIF tag and has a name.
FIM does not know about all possible EXIF tag names, but it loads into variables associated to each loaded image each EXIF tag it encounters.
In the above case, the status line displays the values of three variables corresponding to EXIF tags: i:EXIF_ExposureTime, i:EXIF_FNumber, i:EXIF_ISOSpeedRatings.
If you don't know in advance the names of the EXIF tags your camera produces, then load a photograph file, enter in console mode by typing :. and print the list of variables loaded with the image: echo i:*.

In the example above, the _display_status_fmt has been customized as e.g.:
# This is a sample custom ~/.fimrc file.
# A command can span multiple lines, and long strings can be composed by substrings joined by a dot (.).
# The following info format string pertains the lower
#  left part of the status line.
# Assuming these are set, it uses each of the values 
#  in EXIF_ExposureTime, EXIF_FNumber, EXIF_ISOSpeedRatings.
# Above, the dot (.)  has been used to break the declaration of a long string.

# See man fimrc for a reference on the fim language commands.

The mechanism of displaying per-image variables can be used also in the following way.
Assuming an image has the i:city variable set to a certain value, this might be displayed in the status line by having e.g;:
One can use this in conjunction with the following description file syntax:
# This is files.dsc
# Lines starting with '!fim:varname=varvalue' are not comments: they set variable varname to varvalue for the images following.
DSC_0001.JPG	A big dog.
DSC_0002.JPG	A statue.
# ...
sample.jpg	Busto di Diana. Da Pompei, 1817, rinvenuto presso i portici occidentali del santuario di Apollo. Bronzo, II s.a.C. MANN, inv. 4895.
unknown.jpg	Unknown city.

This syntax will ensure that e.g. DSC_0001.JPG will have i:city="Rome" while DSC_0002.JPG, sample.jpg will have i:city="Naples" and unknown.jpg will have the value i:city="" (unset).

This mechanism can be brought further with the new limit command. Given a long list of files, entering the limit "city" "Naples" command will temporarily restrict the browsable files list to the files having i:city=="Naples".
This is useful when restricting the research in an archive down to a few pictures.
Entering limit again will reset the list.

Even more can be achieved using the file marking mechanism. This mechanism allows to build up a list of file names to be printed out on the standard output when FIM terminates.
Assume you want to browse your big pictures collection to select the ones you want to send to a friend.
You can browse the pictures list and mark one by typing key Enter each time you think it is worth sending.
Once you have marked many of them you wish to re-check them. By entering limit "!" only the marked files will be displayed. Then you can eventually unmark (u) some pictures, and when exiting, fim will print out to standard output only the ones effectively marked.

The examples above are just a small fraction of what you can do with FIM; see the documentation for more.

Tutorial: How to display attached images in Mutt using FIM

I assume you know how to use Mutt.
One can instruct Mutt to open attachments or multimedia files using specific programs.
This is obviously possible also with FIM and images.

All you have to do is to edit the ~/.mailcap file, which is used by Mutt when you open an attachment.
The following suffices for a minimal integration:
image/*; fim %s

You can also instruct FIM to use ASCII art if we are working over an SSH connection:
image/*;( [ "$SSH_CLIENT" != "" ] && fim -o aa  %s ) || ( fim %s )
If you have configured FIM properly, this will work seamlessly in the Linux framebuffer, in X and through SSH.

Finally, if you wish to use the fimgs wrapper script (installed automatically when you install fim) to convert transparently with different programs, and then display with FIM, you can do it like here:
image/*;( [ "$SSH_CLIENT" != "" ] && fim -o aa  %s ) || ( fim %s )

# Use evince, and if not, fimgs:
application/pdf;( [ "$DISPLAY" != "" ] && evince %s ) || fimgs %s

# Use gv, and if not, fimgs:
application/ps;( [ "$DISPLAY" != "" ] && gv %s ) || fimgs %s
application/postscript;( [ "$DISPLAY" != "" ] && gv %s ) || fimgs %s

# Use xdvi, and if not, fimgs:
application/x-dvi;( [ "$DISPLAY" != "" ] && xdvi %s ) || fimgs %s

# The following two examples are more funny than useful.

# Display each bit as a pixel:
application/octet-stream; fim --binary=1 %s

# Display a text file rendered:
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document; docx2txt < %s | fim --as-text -i -q

Tutorial: VI/VIM-like feel in FIM

If you know the VI/VIM text editor shortcut based usage interface, then you know how to appreciate the comfort and speed of use it gives.
FIM offers a few features aimed at VI/VIM users, like:
  • The motion keys: j (like 'down' arrow), k (like 'up' arrow), h (like 'left' arrow), l (like 'right' arrow),
  • Repeat any interactive command by prepending it by a number.
    E.g.: magnify two times in a row by pressing 2+
  • Filename based search.
    E.g.: jump to a file containing 'dog' in its name by pressing: / and entering dog then Enter.
  • Search backwards using ? instead of /.
  • Repeat the last action by pressing ..
  • Jump to the first file by pressing ^ or to the last file by pressing $.
  • Enter in command line mode by pressing : and Enter to go back in interactive mode.
  • When in command line mode
    • type any command, like e.g. help and execute it after pressing Enter.
    • type a number and then Enter to jump to the image with that index in the list.
    • use the up and down arrows to navigate the history (via the GNU history library).
    • if using the framebuffer, GNU Emacs-like (via GNU readline, just as in BASH) command line editing is possible.
  • Execute a command after startup: fim -c command.
  • Read an image via standard input, e.g.: cat image.jpg | fim -i (note the difference: in VIM it's-, not -i).
    This is meant to be used with converters, e.g.: convert image.pic ppm:- | fim -i.
  • Set autocommands with the autocmd command.

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News: What's new with FIM

(last update: 23/05/2024)
FIM NEWS -- history of main user-visible changes in FIM.

                Version 0.7.1

A release with small fixes at build, test, and runtime:

 * Documentation and self-documentation improved and updated
 * Command  "help '/str'"  will also search on occurrences of 'str' among set variable identifiers and their help
 * Default binding of 'N' and 'P' changed to be more flexible: either page goto or category or directory goto
 * Fix: GTK (-o gtk) mode had mouse coordinates slightly wrong (were including the menu bar)
 * Fix: SDL mode (-o sdl) now allows fim (emergency) exit per windows quit button also in case no key is bound to 'quit'
 * Fix: now in 'goto "+1p" "+1f"' the page jump takes precedence over the file jump
 * Fix: had potential memory error after --sort and with absent files
 * Fix: Before testing PS pr PDF functionality, Makefile will check if respective sample files are there
 * Fix: --load-image-descriptions-file (-D)  was opening files in append mode for no reason
 * Fix: --mark-from-descriptions-file  was opening files in append mode for no reason
 * Fix: don't omit last Tab multiple autocompletion entry
 * Fix: alias command to complain if being provided with one argument which is no alias
 * Fix: more resilience on missing groff
 * More and better tests
 * Fix: SDL-1.2 compilation fix
 * Fix: 32-bit build fix for GTK3
 * Fix: pass CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS to helper programs
 * Fix: configure was disabling crop tests by mistake
 * Fix: configure now uses PKG_CONFIG to determine pkg-config
 * Fix: configure had mistake leading to a few wrong src/Makefile rules
 * Fix: configure poppler check: improved diagnostics, reflecting closer required headers, extend check to poppler-cpp
 * Fix: in configure and Makefile when building with emscripten (WebAssembly)
 * Fix: input of non-ASCII values to -k and -K was not being carried out correctly on systems with char being unsigned (e.g. aarch64)
 * Misc minor fixes (e.g.: in tests, djvu error verbosity, readline, configure, configuration ...)

                Version 0.7.0

A major release:

 * New graphical windowed output mode via GTK3 (similar to SDL, but with menus), selected with -o gtk
 * -o =OPTS / --output-device==OPTS / --output-device =OPTS will pass OPTS to the auto-selected output device
 * Key presses passed at startup via the -k and -K options are executed in the order the options appear
 * When auto-selecting the output device, also take in consideration environment variable  WAYLAND_DISPLAY
 * Closer behaviour of readline and history keys across the graphical modes
 * --slideshow option now accepts decimal values
 * Given string variables a and b, a-b is the value with all occurrences of regexp b removed from a (experimental)
 * Introduce expansion-only variable description syntax "#!fim:@var=VAL"
 * Support @-expansion of "@id" within "VAL" of "#!fim:var@=VAL" or "#!fim:@var@=VAL"
 * When loading via an external converter, keep track of it in i:_external_decoder_program
 * Load XCF (Gimp) files via the xcf2pnm utility
 * Files with name ending in .NEF are now viewable via wrapper call to dcraw (if present)
 * Support for reading QOI files via libqoi (experimental)
 * Support for reading AVIF images via libavif (experimental)
 * Support for reading WebP images via libwebp (experimental)
 * Searches via '/' or '?' are now replayable via "recording 'repeat_last'"
 * Simultaneous specification of file and page to 'goto' now possible
 * Enable descriptions to be searched in "goto /PATTERN/" by keeping the newly introduced 'D' in _re_search_opts
 * If there's only one file, passing a numeric argument to 'goto' will do a page jump
 * Fix with SDL2 (-o sdl): reduce chance of intercepting Tab key during window switch
 * Mouse scroll in SDL (-o sdl) and GTK (-o gtk) modes
 * Mouse click and help grid map support for -o ca
 * Move-trigged pan support for -o ca=w
 * Specify a dithering algorithm  DA  as string or numeric index in  -o ca=d:DA  (e.g. -o ca=d:0)
 * Scaling fix when starting with -o ca
 * Introduce variable _lastpageindex to allow jump to last page
 * Variable "_device_string" now contains the entire output device (graphical mode) specification
 * The expandos of the form %:VAR: will first check for i:VAR, and then for VAR (experimental)
 * Add configure option  --disable-mouse
 * Bugfix: in some cases the "#!fim:VAR=..." description syntax would not propagate VAR properly
 * Fixes in the configure script (remove bashisms by SDL version recognition)
 * Bugfix: configure --disable-system  was bogus
 * Bugfix: avoid terminal clutter after interruption of "endless_slideshow"
 * Bugfix: avoid memory leak while decoding PDF
 * Improve error handling when encountering corrupt or unsupported TIFF files
 * More tests
 * FIM requires a compiler supporting at least C++11
 * Documentation and self-documentation improved and updated

                Version 0.6-rc2

 * File dropping support in SDL2 mode and more responsive readline mode

                Version 0.6-rc1

 * Experimental support for SDL2.

                Version 0.6-rc0

A summary of major improvements:

 * Colour ASCII-Art output via libcaca, selected with -o ca
 * better mechanism to determine best output device
 * font magnification by integer factors, good for higher resolutions
 * runtime font selection
 * new options to commands "scale", "goto", "limit", "list", ...
 * 'limit' view to relevant image files based on properties (like in 'mutt')
 * pass key presses to be automated at startup with -k and -K options
 * pretty free from memory leaks
 * -X switch inhibits custom external converters
 * new powerful subcommand "list 'mark'"
 * new command-line switches (--sort..) to sort the initial files list
 * use mipmaps for faster scaling
 * open files from a files list with -L
 * load image description files with -D 
 * background recursive scan and load of files with -B
 * search files at startup based on description with -/ and --//
 * new verbosity and debug options
 * better error handling when encountering corrupt files
 * fast in-place switch to high-res file via --load-shadow-directory 
 * improvements in -o aa (ASCII-art output device with aalib)
 * more options for window size selection in -o sdl
 * Keys F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12 now usable with 'bind'

In detail, in no particular order:

 * Experimental support for SDL2.
 * More responsive readline mode.
 * Switch --resolution 'fullscreen' appends 'W' if in SDL mode.
 * If a "matrix market" file is loaded, its rows, columns and nnz are image variables, too.
 * Introduce special 'early' form  -C =var=val  where variable var is assigned to unquoted and non-interpreted value val immediately.
 * Variable i:__exif_orientation renamed into i:_exif_orientation
 * Fix: --cd-and-readdir was not jumping back to first file.
 * Fix: --device option not ignored anymore.
 * Rename --no-etc-rc-file switch to --no-etc-fimrc-file .
 * fimgs: bunzip2, wget, and xz are now optional.
 * Bugfix: fimgs to properly remove temporary directory after loading downloaded files.
 * Misc small improvements in documentation text output and reporting (no cursor in post-search output line; misc messages).
 * Key 'Z' now assigned to 'sleep 1'.
 * Key 'Del' now assigned to 'list "remove"'.
 * Add -= as short form of the --no-auto-scale option.
 * Experimental: add command "crop", also activated after selecting the area by holding Shift and clicking with left mouse button (if running with -o sdl).
 * Add command "pan 'vsteps%' 'hsteps%'" and "'pan 'vsteps' 'hsteps'".
 * Keys F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12 are now usable with 'bind' with modes -o aa, -o ca, -o dumb.
 * Fix for -o sdl: when flipped or mirrored, it used to draw a smaller box by mistake.
 * Only filenames matching "^[/A-Za-z0-9_.][/A-Za-z0-9_.-]*$" can occur in a conversion command involving an external program.
 * --pread-cmd=command  substitutes any occurrence of '{}' in command with the actual filename, executes the result and reads an image from its stdout.
 * -o fb=S will not tolerate running under screen.
 * Bugfix in --script-from-stdin now prevents possible crashes.
 * Removed configure options --enable-c++11 -- use CXXFLAGS instead.
 * Bugfix: 'autocmd_del' with no arguments would crash.
 * Bugfix: autocommand "PostHardcodedConfigLoading" now triggers even if --disable-fimrc .
 * Internals: considerably expanded 'make tests'.
 * Add command 'stderr', similar to 'stdout'.
 * This is the last FIM version supporting the C++03 standard.
 * Refresh configure and Makefile templates.
 * Build fixes for the MinGW environment.
 * man fim: improve manual contents (on ~/.fim_history, individual options, wording, etc.).
 * man fimrc: added a section with default aliases,
 * Where appropriate, 'make tests' uses 'timeout' to prevent possible hangs.
 * Switch  -K <chars>  aka  --chars-press <chars> simulates input of characters at startup.
 * Fix: slideshow function (e.g. `fim --slideshow=5 media/`) will now cycle forever, unless --once/-1 option specified (as in fbi).
 * Fix: after 'quit' no command shall execute anymore (unless in -F).
 * With SDL one can specify window size as percentage of allowed size (-o sdl=w55%), or draw a help grid map (-o sdl=h).
 * With SDL (-o sdl), center window by default.
 * Fix: now pressing keys "1n1n" will not execute 'n' 11 times, but twice.
 * configure --enable-debug is a developer option now.
 * libcaca (-o ca) mode is now complete and is the default ASCII Art mode.
 * Slideshow function (e.g `fim --slideshow=5 *.jpg`) now more responsive.
 * Arrow keys are now working in aalib (-o aa).
 * Bugfix with aalib (-o aa): don't truncate long lines.
 * Avoid memory leak in language parser.
 * Avoid console buffer memory corruption.
 * Eliminate a memory leak from file loading code. 
 * Eliminate memory leaks in PNG, JPG, TIFF, EXIF, and font decoding code.
 * Fix possibly broken `make -j` in rebuilding and
 * Correct configure script check for regcomp() -- could lead to false negatives.
 * Don't break build on missing 'gs'.
 * Experimental: use --load-shadow-directory <dir> to add a "shadow directory".
   Then 'scale "shadow"' (bound to key '"') will substitute the current displayed image
   with that of the first same-named file located under a shadow directory.
 * When loading a directory, regular expression from default "_pushdir_re" variable now matches filenames with .webp extension.
 * Fix: `fim -c '/<pattern>'` was broken.
 * Add " INTEGER , INTEGER IDENTIFIER arguments" syntax to repeat a command 
   on each file in the interval and substitute its name to '{}' in the arguments
   to an iterated command IDENTIFIER.
 * If a key is bound to e.g. 'goto "+1F"', keep pressing it to accelerate (not if e.g. "+1f").
 * Internal fix: piping from external commands was using 0 instead of 'WNOHANG', leading to hanging.
 * Internal fix: error handling was missing.
 * fimgs now to handle tar.xz archives.
 * Reload automatically image on file change.
 * Command 'list' 'sort_var' 'var' to sort file list according to values of 'i:var'.
 * Command 'list' 'sort_comment' to sort file list according to 'i:_comment' value.
 * Add a --verbose-font-load switch to set '_fbfont_verbosity=1'.
 * Variable '_fbfont_verbosity' sets verbose font loading.
 * Fix: short options -b, -h, -R were not getting optional argument (e.g. -b1).
 * Key combination C-r now assigned to "reload ''".
 * Fix: symbol from fbi sources clashed with gcc-6 onwards, breaking compilation.
 * Key combination C-w assigned to setting auto-scaling to width.
 * Smoother scroll of large images.
 * If SSH_TTY set and no output device specified, give precedence to aalib, then libcaca.
 * Bugfix: in --as-text will avoid repeated reload of file.
 * Hardcoded font (if configured in) will serve as fallback font.
 * Add a --no-pipe-load / -X switch to _no_external_loader_programs=1;
 * Description variables beginning with '_' will not go into i: .
 * List variables in all i:* read from description file with "list 'vars|variables'".
 * Expansion of @variables and @# comments from description files.
 * The menu key in SDL mode shows a temporary mouse click actions menu.
 * Bugfix: description file reading was crashing due to wrong check.
 * Caption text of "_caption_over_image" takes at most half of the screen.
 * If _caption_over_image=3, image is possibly drawn below the caption.
 * The 'v' and 'S' keys now cause a redraw.
 * The description line can be of any length.
 * New configure option, defaulting to: --enable-paths-in-man; it generates man pages with configure specified paths (e.g. sysconfdir, docdir).
 * Fix: -s switch was broken.
 * Add a semicolon (;) to -C arguments if not present already.
 * Framebuffer console switch off while loading: configure with the 
   --enable-framebuffer-switch-while-loading switch to have it back.
 * Fix: configure would fail on --disable-aa and absent aalib.
 * Now configure has --enable-seek-magic by default. And is more verbose.
 * Command 'help' also shows key bindings, and give multiple answers if matching.
 * For each word following switch --help, an individual help message is shown.
 * Command 'goto' accepts multiple arguments; evaluating them until the first one triggering a jump.
 * Command goto {'-/'|'+/'}[C] jumps to a file based on character C (default 'S').
   If C is 's', to prev/next file with same directory name.
   If C is 'd', to prev/next file with directory name down the same hierarchy.
   If C is 'u', to prev/next file with directory name up the same hierarchy.
   If C is 'b', to prev/next file with same basename.
   If C is as above but uppercase, to the prev/next file not matching the criteria.
 * Accordingly, aliases 'next_file_dir_same', 'next_file_dir_other', 'next_file_dir_up',
   'next_file_dir_down', 'next_file_same_basename', 'prev_file_dir_same',
   'prev_file_dir_other', 'prev_file_dir_up' 'prev_file_dir_down' 'prev_file_same_basename'.
 * Fix: 'recording' command was not functioning properly.
 * Fix: don't pop back last command if "recording 'stop'" executed outside of recording mode.
 * Fix: won't clear recorded list if calling recording 'start' multiple times.
 * Specifying more than once any of -p -i - causes a warning.
 * New switch --verbose-interpreter to execute interpreter verbosely by setting adequately _debug_commands='ackC'.
 * Strings specified within single quotes have single quotes escaped, just as double quotes.
   So that e.g.: '\'hello\'' equals "'hello'" and "\"hello\"" equals '"hello"'.
 * Variable '_debug_commands' is now a string with several verbosity options.
 * Fix: misc fixes for --offset, e.g. avoiding probing for external loader programs.
 * Add --verbose-load option for verbose file loading.
 * -C '_seek_magic=..' probes whole range of specified signature when loading a file.
 * Fix in _seek_magic documentation.
 * Option --offset accepts numbers suffixed by one of K, M, and G for respectively kibi-, mebi-, and gibi- (2^10, 2^20 and 2^30) units.
 * Bugfix: --offset option was ignoring lower bytes-offset.
 * Fix: a check was missing in the PS decoder when reading from stdin.
 * Command 'pan' accepts '-' and '+' to jump to prev/next file if border is reached.
 * Command 'font' controls displayed font and scans font directories.
 * Keys '{' and '}' cycle through available consolefonts.
 * Variable _fbfont_magnify_factor scales text font at runtime.
 * Variable _fbfont_as_screen_fraction; if >0, font is scaled to exceed 1/_fbfont_as_screen_fraction of both width and height.  If _fbfont_as_screen_fraction<0, font scaling is fixed.
 * Keys '[' and ']' bound to new aliases "font_reduce" and "font_magnify".
 * Key '|' bound to new alias "toggle_font_auto_scale".
 * Switch -r {width:height} / --resolution {width:height} behaves as expected in SDL mode.
 * Variable _downscale_huge_at_load, if 1 (default), downscale automatically huge images at load time. To avoid loading images exceeding too much screen size.
 * Variable i:_buffered_in_tmpfile stores temporary decoding image filename, if any.
 * Internally load SVG files by invoking inkscape <file.svg> --without-gui --export-png <temp.png>. A file beginning with "<svg" is be considered an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).
 * Command 'scrollforward' skips a border if this is less than a fraction of the screen; this smoothes up documents reading. The fraction is one over '_scroll_skip_page_fraction', if >1; 1/16 if 1, no tolerance if <1.
 * Variable "_want_wm_mouse_ctrl" controls mouse click/movement behaviour in SDL mode.
 * Variable "_min_cached_images" is the minimum number of images to keep from eviction.
 * Commands  scale '<'  /  scale '>' shrinks/magnifies the image using cached mipmaps.
 * By default, show mouse cursor in full screen SDL mode.
 * Autocommand "PostInteractiveCommand" does not trigger anymore after 'quit' command.
 * In case of a CBZ,CBR,PDF,PS,DVI file, the fimgs script now uses '--autotop --autowidth'.
 * The fimgs script now probes for unrar-nonfree/rar/unrar-free (in this order).
 * Customize overlay text via variable '_caption_over_image_fmt'.
 * Command syntax 'goto {+|-}identifier[+]' (new) jumps to next file having a different value of i:identifier, also empty if without trailing `+'.
 * Command "limit '-set_union'" merges current limited list with the new one.
 * Command "limit '-merge'" merges current limited list with the new one.
 * Command "desc 'reload'" loads once again description files specified at the command line with --load-image-descriptions-file.
 * FIM only checks for filename duplicates if a sorting option is specified.
 * Switch -P/--text-reading fixed. Seems to be broken in version 0.5.
 * Command "color": "color 'negate'" and "color 'desaturate'" introduced.
 * Commands 'negate' and 'desaturate' deleted.
 * Command "color CVS" (CVS among 'protanopia', 'deuteranopia', 'tritanopia', 'p', 'd', 't') simulates a color vision deficiency; adding 'daltonize' applies a tentative color correction;  "color 'colorblind'" is short for "color 'deuteranopia'".
 * Command "color 'identity'": populate the image with 'RGB identity' pixels.
 * Introduce a "#!fim:/=dir" special description line to specify directory prepended to basename.
 * Introduce a "#!fim:\=dir" special description line to specify directory prepended to filepath.
 * Command limit '-list'      lists existing variables identifiers as set via 'desc'
 * Command limit '-list' 'id' lists existing values for instances of variable 'id' as set via 'desc'
 * Command "limit '~i' MINIDX[-MAXIDX]", with MINIDX and MAXIDX numbers (possibly with K as x 1000 multiplier) restricts filenames list to the specified interval.
 * Command "limit '~d'", limits to files having exact current file's modify date +- one day.
 * Command "limit '~z'" limits to files having same file size as the current.
 * Command "limit '~z' MINSIZE[-MAXSIZE]", with MINSIZE and MAXSIZE numbers with possibly K (x 1024) or M (x 1024 1024) multipliers, limits according to file size.
 * Command "limit '~d' MINTIME[-MAXTIME]", with MINTIME and MAXTIME numbers, limits files list according to file modify date (expressed as seconds since the epoch, see 'man 2 time').
 * Command "limit '~d' MINDATE[-MINDATE]", with MINDATE and MAXDATE dates as in DD/MM/YYYY, and after 1900.
 * Command "limit '-further' ..." makes 'limit' act on the current list, rather than on the full anew. 
 * Command "limit" uses new criteria:
   If invoked with '~!' it restricts to files with unique basename.
   If with '~=', to files with duplicate basename;
   if with '~^', to the first of the files with duplicate basename;
   if with '~$', to the last of the files with duplicate basename. 
 * Alias "unlimit" resets the limited list.
 * Add variable '_all_file_loaders': a space-separated list of hardcoded file loaders usable with '_file_loader'.
 * Switch -R/--recursive[=arg] has now an optional argument; overwrites (if set) or appends to (if beginning with + or |) the "_pushdir_re" variable (recursed filename extensions).
 * Introduce a "#!fim:+=" special description line to append to cached description.
 * Introduce a "#!fim:^=" special description line to prepend to cached description.
 * Introduce a "#!fim:!=" special description line to reset all variables of the cached namespace.
 * Command 'desc        "save"' functionality to save descriptions file data from the currently browsable images list.
 * Command 'desc "-append" "save"' works in append mode.
 * Command 'desc "-all" "save"' saves also all descriptions file variables.
 * Command 'desc "-nooverw" "save"' does not force overwrite.
 * To ease reproducible builds: imposing LC_ALL=C to $(YACC) and $(SORT), reads SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH
 * New switch --mark-from-image-descriptions-file: read file names from a description file and use them to mark current list files.
 * Introduced alphanumeric restriction in the descriptions shebang variables: must begin with underscore or alphabetic, continue with underscore or alphanumeric.
 * Keys '(' and ')' are now bound respectively to "goto '^p'" and "goto '$p'"; that is jump to first or last page.
 * Available symkeys are now documented in a section of man fimrc.
 * Switch -k --keysym-press <keysym> to simulate press of keysym at startup.
   Keysym can be prefixed by a repetition count number.
 * New switch  -/  <pattern> as short form of of -c /<pattern>.
 * New switch --// <pattern> as short form of of -c /<pattern> with _re_search_opts='f'.
 * Tehe space key (' ') is now assigned to 'scrollforward' (earlier was 's').
 * Introduced context prepend/append shebang syntax "#!fim:^=" and "#!fim:+=" in description files.
 * Switch --read-from-stdin-elds supports now the ASCII NUL terminator (via '').
 * Switch -V (--version) prints to stdout (not anymore to stderr).
 * The -B switch is now shorthand for --background-recursive.
 * If compiled in pre-C++11 flags, -B / --background-recursive behaves as -R.
 * Switch -S is now short form of --image-descriptions-file-separator (not anymore for --sanity-check).
 * Switch -D is now short form of --load-image-descriptions-file (not anymore for --dump-default-fimrc).
 * Switch -L/--read-from-file: read an image list from file (similarly to the - switch).
 * Now caching of mipmaps is on by default; can be turned off with new variable '_cache_control'.
 * Variable "_push_pushes_dirs"; if it is 2, also push hidden files and directories; that is, ones whose names begin with a dot (.).
 * configure --with-font-magnifying-factor=FACTOR controls text magnification by an integer factor.
   If FACTOR is positive, this value is hardcoded and cannot be changed at runtime.
   If FACTOR is negative, -FACTOR is default, but can be changed at runtime.
   If FACTOR is 0 (default) a default of 1 applies, and can be changed at runtime.
   This option is meant to be used on configurations with high resolutions and small consolefonts.
 * configure --with-tmpfile specifies a new temporary directory. 
 * configure tries to detect curses/ncurses.
 * Fix: mouse movement under SDL used to trigger unnecessary screen redraws.
 * Fix: the last used image is to be evicted from the cache as last, after possibly prefetched images.
 * Fix: in configure script, the regex_t check was unnecessarily broken.
 * Fix: ./configure --disable-pcx was not properly disabling PCX format support
 * With C++11 flags, --background-recursive loads images in the background recursively (experimental, unfinished).
 * Use variable "i:_file_load_time" to store the time taken to load the file and decode the image.
 * Use variable "_use_mipmaps=2" to compute the mipmaps faster, using every fourth source pixel.  This can be a good solution for speeding up large photographs scaling.
 * Description files beginning with "#!fim:desc" (of whatever extension) can now be loaded as they were normal image files.
 * Add switch --reverse to reverse the file list.
 * Add switch --sort-mtime to sort file list according to modification time.
 * Add switch --sort-fsize to sort file list according to file size.
 * Command "list 'sort_mtime'" to sort file list according to modification time.
 * Command "list 'sort_fsize'" to sort file list according to file size.
 * Command "list 'mark' {args}" accepts now exactly what "limit {args}" does.
 * Command syntax 'list "markall"' introduced.
 * Command syntax 'list "dumpmarked"' and 'list "unmarkall"' introduced.
 * Command 'list "swap"' introduced.
 * New '_lastgotodirection' variable, with the last file goto direction.
 * Key 'Enter' now marks and goes forward or back according to variable '_lastgotodirection'.
 * Fix: the largest mipmap was not always being used.
 * Fix: -lfl linkage is not really necessary: removed it.
 * Fix: support for PPM files with 2 bytes per sample.
 * Fix: a few more checks when reading PCX files.
 * Fix: documented that switch --sanity-check terminates the program, rather than continuing.
 * Fix: when stdint.h is available use uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t instead of non-portable __u8, __u16, __u32
 * Fix: compilation was broken without framebuffer (FIM_WITH_NO_FRAMEBUFFER)
 * Fix: cleaned up the internal keysyms initialization code.
 * Fix: removed obsolete documentation for the "window" command, now disabled.
 * Bugfix: improve GIF error handling.
 * Bugfix: on certain framebuffer configurations part of the screen was not being redrawn.
 * Bugfix: conversion from external program was vulnerable to failure due to a missing check.
 * Bugfix: avoiding data corruption when handling %k expando.
 * Bugfix: repeating "recording 'repeat_last'" (default '.' key) by prepending a number now works.
 * Fix: configure uses `sdl-config --static-lib`.

                Version 0.5

 * -R / --recursive switch to turn on recursive push of command line specified directories
 * added --sort and --sort-basename to sort the images list
 * introduced mipmap mechanism (_use_mipmaps) for faster display/scaling of images
 * status bar customizable with _display_status_fmt and _info_fmt_str, which can be
   controlled by the use of special image variable specifiers ('expandos'):
    "%T" expando to get (and display) total memory used by the program 
    "%C" expando to get (and display) file/memory usage by image cache
    "%M" expando to get (and display) memory used by the current (displayed) image
    "%c" expando to get (and display) centering information
    "%m" expando to get (and display) current image mipmap occupation information
    "%k" expando to get (and display) current image i:_comment value
    "%?PRE?VAR?POST?" expando to get (and display) "PRE".i:VAR."POST"
 * search (and jump) on image descriptions via 'goto' and key '/'
 * when repeating search with 'repeat_last', will use last direction
 * '?' key is now assigned to backward search (goto '-//')
 * default 'C-p' key is now assigned to repeat last backward search (goto '-//')
 * image cache will remember alignment within viewport
 * jump back and forth from the last viewed image with the ' (single quote aka apostrophe)
   key and the _lastfileindex variable
 * added --load-image-descriptions-file (equivalent to 'desc' 'load') to populate 
   the i:_comment values of each loaded image file and set _caption_over_image=2
   (with it added also --image-descriptions-file-separator)
 * added the 'desc "load"' command to load a textual files comments description file
 * introduced a 'limit' command, with comment, file name, or marked file criteria
 * the '`' key is bound to toggle limit'ing to the marked files list
 * introduced 'list "mark"' and 'list "unmark"' subcommands styled as 'limit'
 * load i:_comment and i:var from description file, with forms:
   "filename comment" (to i:_comment),
   "#!fim:var=value" (to   set i:var=value on all all the files following)
   "#!fim:var="      (to unset i:var=value on all all the files following)
   "filename #!fim:=" (to i:_comment from the value read last)
   "filename #!fim:+comment" (similar, but will append the new comment)
   "filename #!fim:^comment" (similar, but will prepend the new comment)
   "filename #!fim:s/f/t" (similar, but replace string f with string t)
 * EXIF tags will be read with libexif and become i:EXIF_-prefixed variables
 * if _want_exif_orientation is set, images will be reoriented according to EXIF
   metadata (i:__exif_orientation, i:__exif_mirrored, i:__exif_flipped).
 * the 'help' command will search also in fim command options
 * will optionally use C++11 constructs with ./configure --enable-cxx11 (no user level impact)
 * scaling image code faster (thanks to __restrict__ pointers)
 * customizable SDL window caption line with _want_wm_caption_status
 * BMP format support is now optional
 * PCX format support (optional)
 * changed meaning of variable _ignorecase: now it affects autocommands
 * introduced variable _re_search_opts affecting regexp-based search
 * default key 'r' is bound to 'rotate90', key 'R' to 'rotate270'
 * can be invoked without stdin; e.g. from an X menu
 * added "display 'resize'" to resize the SDL window, optionally to the image size
 * default SDL mode is windowed now
 * by default, the 'C-w' key will resize the SDL window to the original image size
 * by default, the 'W' key will resize the SDL window to the image size,
   and added an --autowindow switch to adapt window size to picture size
 * the 'help' command will search in help items if argument starts with /
 * special variable i:* expanding to all the variable name/value pairs of the current image
 * opening image files in archives (e.g. CBZ,CBR,RAR,TAR,fim-0.7.1.tar.gz,TBZ,7Z,ISO,...)
   with libarchive (experimental)
 * JPEG-2000 file support via JasPer (experimental)
 * added a ':- INTEGER' syntax, so one can specify the file in the list counting from the end
 * added an _archive_files variable to specify which file name types specify archives
 * added a 'list "pushdirr"' command, working like "pushdir" but recursively
 * the _fbfont variable will contain the current console font file string
 * mirror/flip are now being applied with respect to the viewport borders
 * stat() checking of files on load can be disabled with _push_checks
 * added --no-stat-push to set _push_checks=0 before initialization
 * added the _caption_over_image variable (which is 0 unless --load-image-descriptions-file)
 * 'Pause' and 'Menu' keys are now available in SDL (-o sdl) mode
 * added  'list' 'marked'  to show the list of marked files
 * key 'Del' bound to pop (delete) the current image from the list
 * i:_file loader will store the used loader string
 * switch --offset accepts a range now (using the new _open_offset_retry variable)
 * if an image has been opened with an offset, i:_open_offset will be set accordingly
 * variable i:pagecount is now replaced by i:pages
 * put aside (disabled) the v: b: and w: namespaces until they make more sense
 * panning on mouse movement in SDL mode
 * `make fim' goal has been deleted
 * changed librsb library detection: now it's e.g.:
   LIBS="`librsb-config  --ldflags --extra_libs` " CXXFLAGS="`librsb-config --cflags` "\
   ./configure --enable-matrices-rendering
 * bugfix: in some situations fim -o fb was not clearing the screen before drawing the image
 * bugfix in the "list 'remove'" internals
 * --binary=1/--binary=24 will not pad tiny renderings to _preferred_rendering_width pixels
 * fix: corrected the quiet mode (-q) to be quieter
 * fix: no zlib.h build time dependency (this will be reintroduced in the future)

                Version 0.4

 * changed --random semantics and introduced --random-no-seed switch
 * customizable status bar file info string
 * introduced --as-text to render printable bytes as text
 * key r is bound to 'rotate90', key R to 'rotate270'
 * bug fixes for the g: namespace, SDL/X mode, "list 'pop'" command, 
   the --offset option, 'ascale' and rotation, documentation.

                Version 0.4-beta

 * interface to the GraphicsMagic library (more graphics formats supported)
 * introduced bitwise AND and OR operators
 * support for rendering "matrix market" numerical matrix files (with librsb)
 * X mode not anymore default in aalib, available at option 
 * libjpeg usage fixes
 * libpng usage fixes (support for PNG_LIBPNG_VER>=10209)
 * documentation improvements (e.g.: fim man page is auto-generated)
 * "imlib2" X-based output device support 
 * "sdl" output device improvements (fullscreen/mouse/windowed options, I/O, ..)
 * more default consolefont options (e.g.: hardcoded consolefonts support)
 * configure option to disable the fim history file
 * improvements to scale, goto, other commands
 * improved directories reading
 * introduced --no-commandline, --no-internal-config switches
 * aggregated some commands for clarity
 * output console can be disabled at configure time
 * important fbdev bug fixes 
 * autocompletion of variable identifiers

                Version 0.3

 * minor strchr compilation problem on some systems
 * better consolefonts support  
 * much better SDL support (different color modes)
 * 'negate' feature
 * -S, or 'sanity-check' switch [changed meaning in v0.6]

               Version 0.3-beta-prerelease

 * auto-generated documentation: more consistency 
 * grammar specification, in man fimrc
 * internal commands,variables,autocommands  reference man page, in man fimrc
 * better internal help mechanisms
 * more control (resolution change,windowed mode) in experimental sdl mode
 * new commands (pread,reverse,shuffle,...) 
 * (temporarily) disabled internal windows splitting 
 * pushing files from a directory
 * several minor and major bugfixes

                Version 0.3-beta

 * full         support for AAlib (ASCII-art rendering) (-o aa)
 * experimental support for SDLlib (Simple Directmedia Layer) (-o sdl) (X!)
 * experimental PDF, PS, DJVU file support
 * history file support (~/.fim_history)
 * seamless caching and prefetching integration
 * viewing of any type files as bitmaps (unset bits black, set bits white)
 * viewing of any type files as pixmaps (as RGB triples)
 * framebuffer driver now can be disabled at compile time
 * colors inversion: saves a significant fraction of power when viewing documents 

                Version 0.3-alpha

 * experimental support for AAlib (ASCII-art rendering) (-t)
 * reading image files (-i) and scripts (-p) from stdin
 * runs on the powerpc architecure
 * rewritten from scratch the debug console, now buffered and with scrolling
 * achieved speedup in magnifying pictures
 * achieved speedup in displaying dithered images
 * smarter quoting rules (looser quote checking) when "push"ing files
 * dumping to file execution logs as executable scripts (-W/--write-scriptout)
 * implemented regular expressions matching operator (=~)
 * new default key bindings for split windows control
 * could be compiled with no readline library (--disable-readline)

                Version 0.2
 * internal windowing (with splitting, resizing, swapping) support
 * .xcf, .fig, .dia, .svg files now viewable via wrapper calls
 * introduced interactive command iteration ( in the [n]<command key> form )
 * fim will try to run under screen and over ssh now
 * custom framebuffer device, fonts and gamma are supported
 * enriched compile-time options via the ./configure script
 * vim-styled variable scoping g:,i:,v:,w: (local variables)
 * eradicated some bugs
 * introduced new variables, commands

                Version 0.2-alpha
 * first windowing functionalities
 * bugs and subtle flaws handling
 * introduced new variables, commands

                Version 0.1

 * regular expressions for filtering the viewed image list
 * vim-like autocommands
 * command line autocompletion
 * command line history
 * completely customizable key bindings
 * external/internal scriptability


sections: top tutorials news screenshots documentation download man fim man fimrc man fimgs copyright contact author license bugs


A screenshot of a regular (framebuffer) FIM run (SDL would look the same)
A screenshot of a color ASCII Art FIM run:
A screenshot of a monochrome ASCII Art FIM run:
Both screenshots taken with the fbgrab program using the trunk version of FIM.
The top textual line was taken from the JPEG comment contained in the file; EXIF metadata is being displayed in the bottom textual line.
If you are curious, there are also textual and HTML renderings of the monochrome screenshots, and textual and HTML renderings of the coloured screenshots.

sections: top tutorials news screenshots documentation download man fim man fimrc man fimgs copyright contact author license bugs

Links to documentation

If you wish to get an idea of FIM in action see these tutorials first.
If you consider building/installing by yourself then look at the README.html, (README) file.
Then there are the FIM man documentation (also on single page), the FIM language man documentation, (also on single page), the fimgs script man page (also on single page), and the doc/FIM.TXT documentation file (slightly outdated but still interesting --- look in the man pages first).
Here links to some relevant sections:

sections: top tutorials news screenshots documentation download man fim man fimrc man fimgs copyright contact author license bugs

Download and build instructions

You are welcome to download the latest (prerelease, dated 23/05/2024) snapshot of FIM:
fim-0.7.1.tar.gz ( 1007619 bytes )
and the signature file:
fim-0.7.1.tar.gz.sig .
If you want to be sure of the files authenticity, you should at least follow these steps:
# Alternative A: import the key from a trusted keyserver by following on screen instructions:
gpg --search 0xE0E669C8EF1258B8
# Alternative B: import the key from FIM's website:
wget -O- | gpg --import -  
gpg --verify fim-0.7.1.tar.gz.sig

The typical sequence of actions to build FIM, which should suffice is
tar xzf fim-0.7.1.tar.gz 
cd fim-0.7.1 
./configure --help=short 
# read the ./configure --help=short output: you can give options to ./configure
su -c "make install"

Read the documentation in order to properly install the dependencies.

If you are interested in compiling the freshest repository version, typing
svn export fim
at the command prompt will export the freshest (possibly unstable) version of FIM in a directory named fim, and ready for compilation (see the documentation for details).


sections: top tutorials news screenshots documentation download man fim man fimrc man fimgs copyright contact author license bugs

man fim




fim - Fbi (linux framebuffer imageviewer) IMproved, an universal image viewer


fim [{options}] [--] {imagepath} [{imagepaths}]
--output-device [fb|sdl|gtk|ca|aa|dumb][={gfxopts}]
... | fim
[{options}] [--] [{imagepaths}] -
[{options}] [--] [{files}] - < {file_name_list_text_file}
--image-from-stdin [{options}] < {imagefile}
--script-from-stdin [{options}] < {scriptfile}
--help[=s|d|l|m] [{help-item} ...]


fim is a ’swiss army knife’ for displaying image files. It is capable of displaying image files using different graphical devices while offering a uniform look and feel. Key bindings are customizable and specified in an initialization file. Interaction with standard input and output is possible, especially in shell scripts. An internal scripting language specialized for image viewing allows image navigation, scaling, manipulation of internal variables, command aliases, and Vim-like autocommands. The internal language can be interacted with via a command line mode capable of autocompletion and history (the readline mode). Further features are display of EXIF tags, JPEG comments, EXIF rotation/orientation, load of "description files", faster load via image caching, command recording, and much more.

As a default, fim displays the specified file(s) on the detected, most convenient graphical device. This can be with SDL if running under X, an ASCII-art driver (aalib or libcaca) if running behind ssh without X forwarding, or the linux framebuffer device. Graphical file formats BMP, PCX are supported natively, while JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, PPM, PGM, PBM, QOI, AVIF, WEBP are supported via third party libraries. Further formats are supported via external converters. For XCF (Gimp’s) images, ’xcftopnm’ or ’xcf2pnm’ is used. For FIG vectorial images, ’fig2dev’ is used. For DIA vectorial images, ’dia’ is used. For NEF raw camera images, ’dcraw’ is used. For SVG vectorial images, ’inkscape’ is used. For other formats ImageMagick’s ’convert’ is used. The converter is given 15 seconds for the conversion before a timeout.

If {imagepath} is a file, its format is guessed not by its name but by its contents. See the _file_loader variable to change this default.

If {imagepath} is a directory, load files of supported formats contained there. If {imagepath} contains a trailing slash (/), it is treated as a directory; otherwise that is checked via stat(2). To change this default, see description of the _pushdir_re variable and the --no-stat-push and --recursive options.

This man page describes fim command line options and usage. See man fimrc(5) for a full specification of the fim language, commands, keysyms, autocommands, variables, aliases, examples for a configuration file and readline usage samples.


You may invoke fim from an interactive shell and control it with the keyboard, as you would do with any image viewer with reasonable key bindings.

fim is keyboard oriented: there are no user menus or buttons available. If you need some feature or setting which is not accessible from the default keyboard configuration, you probably need a custom configuration or simply need to type a custom command. For these, you can use the internal command and configuration language.

See options --read-from-stdin, --script-from-stdin, and --image-from-stdin for more script-oriented usages.

The full commands specification is also accessible at runtime using the internal help system (typing :help).


Accepted command line {options}:


Treat arguments after -- as filenames. Treat arguments before -- as command line options if these begin with -, and as filenames otherwise.

-a, --autozoom

Enable autozoom. Automagically pick a reasonable zoom factor when displaying a new image (as in fbi).

-b[24|1], --binary[=24|1]

Display contents of binary files (of any filetype) as these were raw 24 or 1 bits per pixel pixelmaps. The width of this image will not exceed the value of the _preferred_rendering_width variable. Regard this as an easter bunny option.


Display contents of files (of any filetype) as these were text. The width of this image will not exceed the value of the _preferred_rendering_width variable. Non-printable characters are then displayed as " ". Regard this as another easter bunny option.


Step in the directory of the first file to be loaded, push other files from that directory, and jump back to the first file. Useful when invoking from a desktop environment.

-c {commands}, --execute-commands {commands}

Execute {commands} after reading the initialization file, just before entering the interactive mode. No semicolon (;) is required at the end of {commands}. Do not forget quoting {commands} in a manner suitable to your shell. So -c next is fine as it is. A more complicated example, with quotings: -c ’*2;2pan_up;display;while(1){align "bottom";sleep "1" ; align "top"}’ (with the single quotes) tells fim to: double the displayed image size, pan twice up, display the image, and finally do an endless loop consisting of bottom and top aligning, alternated.

-C {commands}, --execute-commands-early {commands}

Similar to the --execute-commands option, but execute {commands} earlier, just before reading the initialization file. If {commands} takes the special ’early’ form =var=val, it assigns value val to variable var immediately, before the interpreter is started, and with no value quoting needed.

For example, -C ’_scale_style=" "’ starts fim no auto-scaling; the equivalent early form is: -C ’=_scale_style= ’.

-d {fbdev}, --device {fbdev}

Framebuffer device to use. Default is the one your vc is mapped to (as in fbi).


Dump to stdout language reference help and quit.


Dump default configuration (the one hardcoded in the fim executable) to standard output and quit.

-E {scriptfile}, --execute-script {scriptfile}

Execute {scriptfile} after the default initialization file is read, and before executing --execute-commands commands.

-f {fimrc}, --etc-fimrc {fimrc}

Specify an alternative system-wide initialization file (default: /usr/local/etc/fimrc), to be read prior to any other configuration file. See also --no-etc-fimrc-file.

-F {commands}, --final-commands {commands}

Similar to the --execute-commands option, but execute {commands} after exiting the interactive mode, just before terminating the program.

-h[s|d|l|m], --help[=s|d|l|m]

Print program invocation help, and exit. Depending on the option, output can be: short, descriptive, long from man, or complete man. For each further argument {help-item} passed to fim, an individual help message is shown. If {help-item} starts with a /, it is treated as a search string (not a regexp, though).

-k {keysym}, --keysym-press {keysym}

Execute any command bound (via the bind command) to a specified keysym at startup. A keysym can be prefixed by a repetition count number. You can specify the option multiple times to simulate multiple keystrokes. Presses entered via --keysym-press are processed with the same priority as those entered via --chars-press, that is, as they appear. See man fimrc(5) for a list of keysyms and the use of bind.

-K {chars}, --chars-press {chars}

Input one or more keyboard characters at program startup (simulate keyboard presses). This option can be specified multiple times. Each additional time (or if the string is empty), a press of Enter (ASCII code 0x0D) key is prepended. Examples: -K ’’ simulates press of an Enter; -K ’:next;’ activates the command line and enter "next;" without executing it; -K ":next;" -K "next" executes "next", stays in the command line and enter keys "next"; -K ":next;" -K "" -K "next" executes "next", leaves the command line, and executes in sequence any command bound to keys ’n’, ’e’, ’x’, ’t’. Presses entered via --chars-press are processed with the same priority as those entered via --keysym-press, that is, as they appear.

-D {filename}, --load-image-descriptions-file {filename}

Load image descriptions from file {filename}. Each line begins with the basename of an image file, followed by a Tab character (or a different character if specified via --image-descriptions-file-separator), then the description text. The description text is copied into the i:_comment variable of the image at load time, overriding the comment possibly loaded from the file (e.g. JPEG, PNG or TIFF comment). If a ’@’ followed by an identifier {identifier} is encountered, and i:{var} is set, its value is substituted here. If "@#" is encountered, the remainder of the description line is ignored. Special comment lines like "#!fim:{var}={val}" lead i:{var} to be assigned value {val} (unquoted) at image loading time (cached variable), unless {var} starts with an underscore (’_’). Special comment lines like "#!fim:@{var}={val}" create a variable {var} that are only valid in expanding @{var} in comments. Special comment lines like "#!fim:{var}@={val}" or "#!fim:@{var}@={val} (notice @ before =) also expand whatever @{identifier} encountered in {val} . Special comment lines like "#!fim:+={val}" add {val} to current description. Special comment lines like "#!fim:^={val}" set {val} to be the base of each description. Special comment lines like "#!fim:!=" reset all cached variables. Special comment lines like "#!fim:/={dir}" prepend {dir} to each file’s basename. Special comment lines like "#!fim:\={dir}" prepend {dir} to each file’s name. Special description text (to be associated to an image) begins with markers: with "#!fim:=", the last description line is reused; with "#!fim:+", what follows is appended to the last description line; with "#!fim:^", what follows is prepended to the last description line; with "#!fim:s/{f}/{t}", the last description line is used and substituted substring {t} to occurrences of substring {f} ({f} and {t} cannot contain newlines or a ’/’). If {val} is empty that variable is unset. These variables are stored also in an internal index used by the limit command. This option sets _caption_over_image=2, so that a caption is displayed over the image. A description file beginning with "#!fim:desc" can be loaded without specifying this switch.

-S {sepchar}, --image-descriptions-file-separator {sepchar}

A character to be used as a separator between the filename and the description part of lines specified just before a --load-image-descriptions-file.

-i, --image-from-stdin

Read one single image from the standard input (the image data, not the filename). May not work with all supported file formats. In the image list, this image takes the special name "<STDIN>".

--mark-from-image-descriptions-file {filename}

Set those files specified in {filename} (see --load-image-descriptions-file for the file format) as marked (see the list command).

-m {vmode}, --mode {vmode}

Name of the video mode to use video mode (must be listed in /etc/fb.modes). Default is not to change the video mode. In the past, the XF86 config file (/etc/X11/XF86Config) used to contain Modeline information, which could be fed to the modeline2fb perl script (distributed with fbset). On many modern xorg based systems, there is no direct way to obtain a fb.modes file from the xorg.conf file. So instead one could obtain useful fb.modes info by using the (fbmodes (no man page AFAIK)) tool, written by bisqwit. An unsupported mode should make fim exit with failure. But it is possible the kernel could trick fim and set a supported mode automatically, thus ignoring the user set mode.

-N, --no-rc-file

No personal initialization file is read (default is ~/.fimrc) at startup.


No system-wide initialization file is read (default is /usr/local/etc/fimrc) at startup. See also --etc-fimrc.


No internal default configuration at startup (uses internal variable _no_default_configuration). Will only provide a minimal working configuration.


With internal command line mode disabled.


Do not save execution history at finalization (uses internal variable _save_fim_history).


Do not load execution history at startup.


Do not load or save execution history at startup.

-p, --script-from-stdin

Read commands from stdin before entering in interactive mode.

-o [fb|sdl|gtk|ca|aa|dumb][={gfxopts}], --output-device

Use the specified device (one among fb|sdl|gtk|ca|aa|dumb) as fim video output device, overriding automatic checks. If the device is empty and followed by {gfxopts}, it will be selected automatically. The available devices depend on the current environment and on the configuration and compilation options. You can get the list of available output devices issuing fim --version. The possible values to {gfxopts} that we describe here can also be passed as "display ’reinit’ {gfxopts}" -- see man fimrc for this. The device name with options (perhaps with modifications due to auto-detection) is stored in variable _device_string. The fb option selects the Linux framebuffer. Presence of {gfxopts} with value ’S’ (e.g. ’fb=S’) makes framebuffer initialization more picky: it does not tolerate running in a screen session. The ca option (coloured ASCII-art) can be specified as ca[={[’w’][’h’][’H’][’d:’DITHERMODE]}] ; if supplied, ’w’ selects windowed mode, provided libcaca is running under X; by default (or with ’W’), windowed mode is being turned off internally during initialization by unsetting the DISPLAY environment variable. If ’d:’ is present, the DITHERMODE following it will be passed as dither algorithm string (alternatively, it can be a non-negative number, too). The aa (monochrome ASCII-art) option can be specified as aa[={[’w’|’W’]}]; if supplied, ’w’ selects windowed mode, provided aalib is running under X; by default (or with ’W’), windowed mode is being turned off internally during initialization by unsetting the DISPLAY environment variable. Please note that the readline (internal command line) functionality in ca and aa modes is limited. If the graphical windowed mode is sdl or gtk it can be followed by ={[’w’][’m’][’r’][’h’][’W’][’M’][’R’][’H’][width[:height]][’%’]}, where width and height are integer numbers specifying the desired resolution (if height not specified, it takes the value of width); the ’w’ character requests windowed mode (instead of ’W’ for fullscreen); the ’m’ character requests mouse pointer display; the ’h’ character requests help grid map draw (can be repeated for variants); the ’r’ character requests support for window resize; the ’%’ character requests to treat width and height as percentage of possible window resolution. The same letters uppercase request explicit negation of the mentioned features. Additionally, in gtk mode: ’b’ hides the menu bar, ’e’ starts with empty menus, ’f’ rebuilds the menus, and ’D’ removes the menus. Note: the gtk mode is a recent addition and may have defects. The sdl mode works best with libsdl-2; libsdl-1.2 support is being discontinued.
The imlib2 option requests imlib2 and is unfinished: do not use it.
The dumb test mode is there only for test purposes and is not interactive.

--offset {bytes-offset[{:upper-offset}|{+offset-range}]}

Use the specified offset (in bytes) for opening the specified files. If :upper-offset is specified, further bytes until upper-offset are probed. If +offset-range is specified instead, that many additional bytes are to be probed. Use this option to search damaged file systems for image files. Appending a modifier among ’K’,’M’,’G’ (case irrelevant) to an offset number changes the unit to be respectively 2^10, 2^20, or 2^30 bytes.

--pread-cmd {cmd-filter-pipeline}

Specify a shell command with {cmd-filter-pipeline}. If the current filename matches "^[/A-Za-z0-9_.][/A-Za-z0-9_.-]*$", it is be substituted to any occurrence of ’{}’. The resulting command output is assumed to be file data, which is read, decoded, and displayed. This works by setting the internal _pread_cmd variable (empty by default).

-P, --text-reading

Enable textreading mode. This has the effect that fim displays images scaled to the width of the screen, and aligned to the top. If the images you are watching are text pages, all you have to do to get the next piece of text is to press space (in the default key configuration, of course).

-s {value}, --scroll {value}

Set scroll steps for internal variable _steps (default is "20%").

--slideshow {number}

Interruptible slideshow mode. Wait for {number} of seconds (can have a decimal part, and is assigned to the _slideshow_sleep_time variable) after each image. Implemented by executing reload; i:fresh=1; while(_fileindex <= _filelistlen-_loop_only_once){sleep _slideshow_sleep_time; next;} _loop_only_once=0; sleep _slideshow_sleep_time; as a first command. Can be interrupted by : or Esc. The other keys execute accordingly to their function but do not interrupt the slideshow. Like in fbi, this cycles forever, unless --once is specified.


Perform a quick sanity check, just after the initialization, and terminate.

-t, --no-framebuffer

fim Use an ASCII Art driver. If present, use either of libcaca (coloured), or aalib (monochrome). For more, see (man fimrc), (info aalib) or (apropos caca)). If no ASCII Art driver had been enabled at compile time, fim does not display any image at all.

-T {terminal}, --vt {terminal}

The {terminal} is to be used as virtual terminal device file (as in fbi). See (chvt (1)), (openvt (1)) for more info about this. Use (con2fb (1)) to map a terminal to a framebuffer device.


Reverse files list before browsing (can be combined with the other sorting options).


Sort files list before browsing according to full filename.


Sort files list before browsing according to file basename’s.


Sort files list before browsing according to file modification time.


Sort files list before browsing according to file size.

-u, --random

Randomly shuffle the files list before browsing (seed depending on time() function).


Pseudo-random shuffle the files list before browsing (no seeding).

-v, --verbose

Be verbose: show status bar.


Load files verbosely (repeat option to increase verbosity).


Load font verbosely (sets _fbfont_verbosity).


Execute interpreter verbosely (Sets immediately _debug_commands="ackCm" if specified once, _debug_commands="ackCmmi" if specified twice).

-V, --version

Print to stdout program version, compile flags, enabled features, linked libraries information, supported filetypes/file loaders, and then exit.

-w, --autowidth

Scale the image according to the screen width.

-=, --no-auto-scale

Do not scale the images after loading (sets ’_scale_style=" "’;).


Resize the window size (if supported by the video mode) to the image size. Don’t use this with other image scaling options.


Sets _push_checks=0 before initialization, thus disabling file/dir existence checks with stat(2) at push push time (and speeding up startup).

-H, --autoheight

Scale the image according to the screen height.

-W {scriptfile}, --write-scriptout {scriptfile}

All the characters that you type are recorded in the file {scriptfile}, until you exit fim. This is useful if you want to create a script file to be used with "fim -c" or ":exec" (analogous to Vim’s -s and ":source!"). If the {scriptfile} file exists, it is not touched (as in Vim’s -w).

-L {fileslistfile}, --read-from-file {fileslistfile}

Read file list from a file: each line one file to load (similar to --read-from-stdin; use --read-from-stdin-elds to control line breaking).

-, --read-from-stdin

Read file list from stdin: each line one file to load; use with --read-from-stdin-elds to control line breaking).

Note that these three standard input reading functionalities (-i,-p and -) conflict : if two or more of them occur in fim invocation, fim exits with an error and warn about the ambiguity.

See the section INVOCATION EXAMPLES below to read some useful (and unique) ways of employing fim.

--read-from-stdin-elds {delimiter-char}

Specify an endline delimiter character for breaking lines read via -/--read-from-stdin/--read-from-file (which shall be specified after this). Line text before the delimiter are be treated as names of files to load; the text after is ignored. This is also useful e.g. to load description files (see --load-image-descriptions-file) as filename list files. Default is the newline character (0x0A); to specify an ASCII NUL byte (0x00) use ’’.

-A, --autotop

Align images to the top border (by setting ’_autotop=1’ after initialization).

-q, --quiet

Quiet execution mode. Sets _display_status=0;_display_busy=0;.

-r {{width:height}|’fullscreen’}, --resolution

Set resolution specification in pixels dimensions. Supported only by GTK and SDL. Will be appended to the argument to --output-device. Shorthand value ’fullscreen’ is translated as ’W’.

-R[{exp}], --recursive[={exp}]

Push files/directories to the files list recursively. The expression in variable _pushdir_re (default: ".(JPG|PNG|GIF|BMP|TIFF|TIF|JPEG|JFIF|PPM|PGM|PBM|PCX|QOI|AVIF|WEBP)$") lists extensions of filenames which are loaded in the list. You can overwrite its value by optionally passing an expression {exp} here as argument. If starting with ’+’ or ’|’, the expression following is to be appended to it.

-X, --no-pipe-load

Do not load via external converter programs: only use built-in file decoders.

-B, --background-recursive

Push files/directories to the files list recursively, in background during program execution. Any sorting options are ignored. Experimental feature, unfinished.

--load-shadow-directory {dirname}

Add {dirname} to the shadow directory list. Then ’scale "shadow"’ temporarily substitutes the image being displayed with that of the first same-named file located under a shadow directory. Useful to browse low-res images, but still being able to quickly view the hi-res original residing in a shadow directory. This works as intended as long as unique filenames are involved.

-/ {pattern}, --/ {pattern}

After startup jump to pattern; short for -c ’/’ {pattern}.

--// {pattern}

After startup jump to pattern; as -c ’/’{pattern} but with search on the full path (with _re_search_opts="f").

-1, --once

If running --slideshow, loop only once (as in fbi).


The program return status is 0 on correct operation; 252 on unsupported device specification; 248 on bad input; 255 on a generic error; 42 on a signal-triggered program exit; or a different value in case of an another error.
The return status may be controlled by the use of the quit command.


The following keys and commands are default hardcoded in the minimal configuration. These are working by default before any configuration file loading, and before the hardcoded config loading (see variable _fim_default_config_file_contents).

n goto ’+1f’
p goto ’-1f’
+ scale ’+’
- scale ’-’
h pan ’left’
l pan ’right’
k pan ’up-’
j pan ’down+’
q quit
You can type a number before a command binding to iterate the assigned command:
3k 3pan ’up-’

: enter command line mode (here one can use readline bindings as C-r, C-s, M-b, M-f, ...)
:{number} jump to {number}^th image in the list


jump to first image in the list


jump to last image in the list

:*{factor} scale the image by {factor}
:{scale}% scale the image to the desired {scale}
:+{scale}% scale the image up to the desired percentage {scale} (relatively to the original)
:-{scale}% scale the image down to the desired percentage {scale} (relatively to the original)


entering the pattern {regexp} (with ’/’) makes fim jump to the next image whose filename matches {regexp}


entering this pattern (with ’/’) makes fim jump to the next image whose filename ends with ’png’


a shortcut for ’/.*png.*’

2,4 stdout ’{}’

print three filenames to standard output.


executes the {syscmd} quoted string as an argument to the "system" fim command.

You can visualize all of the default bindings invoking fim --dump-default-fimrc | grep bind .
You can visualize all of the default aliases invoking fim --dump-default-fimrc | grep alias .

The Return vs. Space key thing can be used to create a file list while reviewing the images and use the list for batch processing later on.

All of the key bindings are reconfigurable; see the default fimrc file for examples on this, or read the complete manual: the FIM.TXT file distributed with fim.



(just like in fbi) a Linux consolefont font file.

If using a gzipped font file, the zcat program is used to uncompress it (via execvp(3)).
If FBFONT is unset, the following files are probed and the first existing one is selected:


If the special fim:// string is specified, a hardcoded font is used.


(just like in fbi) gamma correction (applies to dithered 8 bit mode only). Default is 1.0.


(just like in fbi) user set framebuffer device file (applies only to the fb mode).

If unset, fim probes for /dev/fb0.


(only in fim) influences the output device selection algorithm, especially if $TERM=="screen".


if set and no output device specified, assume we’re over ssh, and give precedence to ca, then aa (if present).


if set and no output device specified, assume we’re over termux, and give precedence to ca, then aa (if present).


if set and no output device specified, assume we’re over Wayland, and give precedence to gtk, then sdl, then ca, then aa (if present).


If this variable is set, then the gtk driver has precedence, then sdl.


fim -o fb needs read-write access to the framebuffer devices (/dev/fbN or /dev/fb/N), i.e you (our your admin) have to make sure fim can open the devices in rw mode. The IMHO most elegant way is to use pam_console (see /etc/security/console.perms) to chown the devices to the user logged in on the console. Another way is to create some group, chown the special files to that group and put the users which are allowed to use the framebuffer device into the group. You can also make the special files world writable, but be aware of the security implications this has. On a private box it might be fine to handle it this way through.

If using udev, you can edit: /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions and set these lines like here:
# fb devices

fim -o fb also needs access to the linux console (i.e. /dev/ttyN) for sane console switch handling. That is obviously no problem for console logins, but any kind of pseudo tty (xterm, ssh, screen, ...) will not work.


fim --help -R -B
# get help for options -R and -B

fim media/
# load files from the directory media/

fim -R media/ --sort
# open files found by recursive traversal of directory media, then sorting the list

find /mnt/media/ -name *.jpg | fim -
# read input files list from standard input

find /mnt/media/ -name *.jpg | shuf | fim -
# read input files list from standard input, randomly shuffled

cat script.fim | fim -p images/*
# read a script file script.fim from standard input before displaying files in the directory images

scanimage ... | tee scan.ppm | fim -i
# read the image scanned from a flatbed scanner as soon as it is read

h5topng -x 1 -y 2 dataset.hdf -o /dev/stdout | fim -i
# visualize a slice from an HDF5 dataset file

fim * > selection.txt
# output the file names marked interactively with the ’list "mark"’ command in fim to a file

fim * | fim -
# output the file names marked with ’m’ in fim to a second instance of fim, in which these could be marked again

fim -c ’pread "vgrabbj -d /dev/video0 -o png";reload’
# display an image grabbed from a webcam

fim -o aa -c ’pread "vgrabbj -d /dev/video0 -o png";reload;system "fbgrab" "asciime.png"’
# if running in framebuffer mode, saves a png screenshot with an ASCII rendering of an image grabbed from a webcam

fim -c ’while(1){pread "vgrabbj -d /dev/video0 -o png";reload;sleep 1;};’

# display a sequence of images grabbed from a webcam; circa 1 per second


This manual page is neither accurate nor complete. In particular, issues related to driver selection shall be described more accurately. Also the accurate sequence of autocommands execution, variables application is critical to understanding fim, and should be documented. The filename "<STDIN>" is reserved for images read from standard input (view this as a limitation), and thus handling files with such name may incur in limitations.


fim has bugs. Please read the BUGS file shipped in the documentation directory to discover the known ones. There are also inconsistencies in the way the internal command line works across the different graphical devices.



The directory with fim documentation files.


The system-wide fim initialization file (executed at startup, after executing the hardcoded configuration).


The personal fim initialization file (executed at startup, after the system-wide initialization file).


File where to load from or save command history. See (man fimrc(5), man readline(3)).


If fim is built with GNU readline support, it is susceptible to changes in the user set ~/.inputrc configuration file contents. For details, see (man readline(3)).


Other fim man pages: fimgs(1), fimrc(1).
Conversion programs: convert(1), dia(1), xcftopnm(1), fig2dev(1), inkscape(1).
Related programs: fbset(1), con2fb(1), vim(1), mutt(1), exiftool(1), exiftags(1), exiftime(1), exifcom(1), fbi(1), fbida(1), feh(1), qiv(1), sxiv(1), fbgrab(1).
Related documentation: fbdev(4), vcs(4), fb.modes(8), fbset(8), setfont(8).


Michele Martone <dezperado _CUT_ autistici _CUT_ org> is the author of fim, "Fbi IMproved".


Copyright (C) 2007-2024 Michele Martone <dezperado _CUT_ autistici _CUT_ org> (author of fim)
Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Gerd Hoffmann <kraxel _CUT_> is the author of "fbi", upon which fim was originally based.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


sections: top tutorials news screenshots documentation download man fim man fimrc man fimgs copyright contact author license bugs

man fimrc




fimrc - fim configuration file and language reference


--script-from-stdin [ {options} ] < {scriptfile}
--execute-script {scriptfile} [ {options} ]
--execute-commands {commands} [ {options} ]
--final-commands {commands} [ {options} ]
--write-scriptout {scriptfile} [ {options} ]
--write-scriptout /dev/stdout [ {options} ]
--chars-press :{commands} [ {options} ]
--chars-press :{commands} --chars-press ’’ [ {options} ]
--keysym-press {keysym} [ {options} ]


This page explains the fim scripting language, which is used for the fimrc configuration files, {scriptfile}s, or {commands} passed via command line {options}. This language can be used to issue commands (or programs) from the internal program command line accessed interactively by default through the ":" key (which can be customized via the "_console_key" variable). One may exit from command line mode by pressing the Enter key on an empty line (a non empty command line would be submitted for execution), or the Esc key (only in SDL mode). The general form of a fim command/program is shown in the next section.


This section specifies the grammar of the fim language.

Language elements surrounded by a single quote ("’") are literals.

Warning: at the present state, this grammar has conflicts. A future release shall fix them.

program: %empty
| statement_list

statement_list: statement
| statement ’;’ statement_list
| non_atomic_statements_block statement_list
| statements_block

non_atomic_statements_block: ’{’ statement_list ’}’
| INTEGER ’{’ statement_list ’}’
| conditional_statement

statements_block: atomic_statements_block
| non_atomic_statements_block

conditional_statement: if_statement
| loop_statement

if_statement: ’if’ ’(’ expression ’)’ statements_block
| ’if’ ’(’ expression ’)’ statements_block ’else’ statements_block

loop_statement: ’while’ ’(’ expression ’)’ statements_block
| ’do’ statements_block ’while’ ’(’ expression ’)’

atomic_statements_block: statement ’;’
| statement ’;’ ’;’
| statement ’;’ ’;’ ’;’

statement: ’!’ arguments
| ’+’ QUOTED_FLOAT ’%’
| ’+’ INTEGER ’%’
| ’-’ QUOTED_FLOAT ’%’
| ’-’ INTEGER ’%’
| IDENTIFIER arguments
| IDENTIFIER ’=’ expression

arguments: expression
| expression arguments

expression: ’(’ expression ’)’
| expression ’.’ expression
| ’!’ expression
| expression ’%’ expression
| expression ’+’ expression
| expression ’-’ expression
| expression ’*’ expression
| expression ’/’ expression
| expression ’<’ expression
| expression ’>’ expression
| expression ’||’ expression
| expression BOR expression
| expression ’&&’ expression
| expression BAND expression
| expression ’>=’ expression
| expression ’<=’ expression
| expression ’!=’ expression
| expression ’==’ expression
| expression ’=~’ expression
| ’-’ expression

A STRING can be either a single quoted string or a double quoted string. A floating point number can be either unquoted (UNQUOTED_FLOAT) or quoted (QUOTED_FLOAT). A QUOTED_FLOAT is a floating point number, either single ("’") or double (""") quoted. An INTEGER shall be an unsigned integer number. An IDENTIFIER shall be one of the valid fim commands (see COMMANDS REFERENCE ) or a valid alias. A VARIABLE shall be an already declared or undeclared variable identifier (see VARIABLES REFERENCE ) or a valid alias, created using the alias command. The "=~" operator treats the right expression as a STRING, and uses it as a regular expression for matching purposes. The SLASH_AND_REGEXP is a slash ("/") followed by a STRING, interpreted as a regular expression. If ’INTEGER , INTEGER IDENTIFIER arguments’ is encountered, command IDENTIFIER will be repeated on each file in the interval between the two INTEGERs, and substituting the given file name to any ’{}’ found in the commands arguments (which must be quoted in order to be treated as strings). See regex(1) for regular expression syntax.

The way some one-line statements are evaluated:

: enter command line mode (here one can use readline bindings as C-r, C-s, M-b, M-f, ...)
:{number} jump to {number}^th image in the list


jump to first image in the list


jump to last image in the list

:*{factor} scale the image by {factor}
:{scale}% scale the image to the desired {scale}
:+{scale}% scale the image up to the desired percentage {scale} (relatively to the original)
:-{scale}% scale the image down to the desired percentage {scale} (relatively to the original)


entering the pattern {regexp} (with ’/’) makes fim jump to the next image whose filename matches {regexp}


entering this pattern (with ’/’) makes fim jump to the next image whose filename ends with ’png’


a shortcut for ’/.*png.*’

2,4 stdout ’{}’

print three filenames to standard output.


executes the {syscmd} quoted string as an argument to the "system" fim command.


alias [{identifier} [{commands} [{description}]]]
Without arguments, lists the current aliases.
With one, shows an identifier’s assigned command.
With two, assigns to an identifier a user defined command or sequence of commands.
With three, also assigns a help string.

align [’bottom’|’top’|’left’|right’]: if image larger than drawing area, align one side of the image to the border.
align ’center’: align equally far from all sides.
align ’info’: print internal alignment information.

autocmd {event} {pattern} {commands}: manipulate autocommands (inspired from Vim autocmd’s).
Without arguments, list autocommands.
With arguments, specifies for which type of event and which current file open, which commands to execute.
See the default built-in configuration files for examples.

autocmd_del: specify autocommands to delete.
Usage: autocmd_del {event} {pattern} {commands}.

basename {filename}: returns the basename of {filename} in the ’_last_cmd_output’ variable.

bind [{keysym} [{commands} [{description}]]]: bind a key {keysym} to {commands}.
Optional {description} specifies a documentation string.
If {keysym} is at least two characters long and begins with 0 (zero), the integer number after the 0 will be treated as a raw keycode to bind the specified {keysym} to.
Use the ’_verbose_keys’ variable to discover (display device dependent) raw keys.
Key binding is dynamical, so you can bind keys even during program’s execution.
You can get a list of valid symbols (keysyms) by invoking dump_key_codes or in the man page.

cd {path}: change the current directory to {path}.
If {path} is a file, use its base directory name.
cd ’-’ changes to the previous current directory (before the last ’:cd {path}’ command).

clear: clear the virtual console.

commands: display the existing commands.

color [’desaturate’]: desaturate the displayed image colors.
color [’negate’]: negate the displayed image colors.
color [’colorblind’|’c’|’deuteranopia’|’d’]: simulate a form of the deuteranopia color vision deficiency (cvd).
color [’protanopia’|’p’]: simulate a form of the protanopia cvd.
color [’tritanopia’|’t’]: simulate a form of the tritanopia cvd.
color [’daltonize’|’D’]: if following a cvd specification, attempts correcting it.
color [’identity’]: populate the image with ’RGB identity’ pixels.
To get back the original, you have to reload the image.

crop: crop image to a centered rectangle, half the width and half the height.
crop {p}: crop image to the middle {p} horizontal percent and {p} vertical percent of the image.
crop {w} {h}: crop image to the middle {w} horizontal percent and {h} vertical percent of the image.
crop {x1} {y1} {x2} {y2}: crop image to the area between the upper left ({x1},{y1}) and lower right ({x2},{y2}) corner.
Units are intended as percentage (0 to 100).
Note: still experimental functionality.

desc ’load’ {filename} [{sepchar}]: load description file {filename}, using the optional {sepchar} character as separator.
desc ’reload’: load once again description files specified at the command line with --load-image-descriptions-file, with respective separators.
desc [’-all’] [’-append’] [’-nooverw’] ’save’ {filename} [{sepchar}]: save current list descriptions to file {filename}, using the optional {sepchar} character as separator, and if ’-all’ is present then save the variables, and if ’-append’ is present then only append, and if ’-nooverw’ is present then do not overwrite existing files.
See documentation of --load-image-descriptions-file for the format of {filename}.

display [’reinit’ {string} | ’resize’ {w} {h} | [’menuadd’ {menuspec}|’menudel’|’v’|’V’] ]: display the current file contents or change display settings.
If ’reinit’ switch is supplied, the {string} specifier is used to reinitialize the display device parameters like e.g. resolution, window system options; see the --output-device command line switch for allowed values.
If ’resize’ and no argument, ask the window manager to resize the window like the image.
If ’resize’ and two arguments, these are used to reset width and height of the current window.
In the ’menuadd’ case, use {menuspec} as GTK window menu specification. This specification string argument can be repeated. Each argument has form M/S. M is a slash-separated submenu location, with optional ’_’ (underscore) before a GTK accelerator character (e.g. "File", "_File", "View/Scale", "_View/Scale"). M cannot be empty and must be followed by a ’/’. S can specify a simple entry, a toggle entry, or radio buttons. If a simple entry, it consists of one to three sections separated by " " (two spaces). If M begins with two non-alphanumeric symbols, these will be used as separators, instead of the two spaces. The first section is the name of the menu entry (a label), the second is a command specification, the third is a shortcut character. The following labels are special and if followed by ’/’, they create custom menus: FimMenuLimit (pre-categorized "limit"-based commands based on actual "desc" command data), FimMenuCommands (with commands), FimMenuAliases (with aliases), FimMenuKeyBindings (with bindings), FimMenuVariables (with variables’ values), FimMenuCommandsHelp (commands help), FimMenuAliasesHelp (aliases help), FimMenuKeyBindingsHelp (bindings help), FimMenuVariablesHelp (variables’ help). A toggle button specification can take the form ’toggle__’{identifier}’__’{value}’__’{value} and starts the toggle button with the second {value} (which has to be different). Actually, between ’toggle’ and the second value, instead of ’__’ you can use any two same punctuation signs or Tab characters consistently. E.g. "menu/label toggle___v__1__2 " or "menu/label toggle::_v::1::2 " are ok, but "menu/label toggle___v__1__1 " or "menu/label toggle___v::1::2 " are not. A radio buttons specification has as many sections as radio buttons, separated internally by double spaces, and consisting each by a string, two spaces, an assignment {identifier}={value} (notice no quotes are necessary around {value}, and repetitions are illegal), two spaces, and an optional accelerator character (e.g. "m/first: v=1 a second: v=2 b third: v=3 c" is ok, but "m/first: v=1 a second: v=2 b third: v=2 c" is not).
Option ’menudel’ removes all menus.
Note: ’menuadd’ and ’menudel’ are only valid for the gtk mode and are experimental. In particular, currently there are limitations on which characters are allowed in menu command specifications; the recommended workaround is to use aliases.
Experimental option ’v’ increases internal verbosity for some graphical outputs; experimental option ’V’ decreases it.
See also the ’_debug_commands’ variable.

dump_key_codes: dump the active key codes (unescaped, for inspection purposes).

echo {args}: print the {args} on console.

if(expression){action;}[’else’{action;}]: see if.

eval {args}: evaluate {args} as commands, executing them.

exec {filename(s)}: execute script {filename(s)}.

font ’scan’ [{dirname}]: scan {dirname} or /usr/share/consolefonts looking for fonts in the internal fonts list.
font ’load’ {filename}: load font {filename}.
font {’next’|’prev’}: load next or previous font from the internal fonts list.
font ’info’: print current font filename.

getenv {identifier}: create a variable with the same value as the ’{identifier}’ environment variable, but with an identifier prefixed by ’ENV_’. So e.g. getenv ’DISPLAY’ creates ’ENV_DISPLAY’. Nothing is being printed; no variable is created if {identifier} is empty.

goto {[’+’|’-’]{number}[’%’][’f’|’p’|’F’|’P’]}+ | {/{regexp}/} | {?{filename}} | {’+//’} | {’+/’|’-/’}[C] | {{’+’|’-’}{identifier}[’+’]}: jump to an image.
If {number} is given, and not surrounded by any specifier, go to image at index {number}.
If followed by ’%’, the effective index is computed as a percentage to the current available images.
If prepended by ’-’ or ’+’, the jump is relative to the current index.
The ’f’ specifier asks for the jump to occur within the files (same for ’F’, but accelerates if keep pressing).
The ’p’ specifier asks for the jump to occur in terms of pages, within the current file (same for ’P’, but accelerates if keep pressing).
If there’s only one file in the list and no ’f’ specified, a ’p’ will be implied, for a page jump.
The above form can be concatenated several times, but only the last occurrence of either file or page goto will be effective.
If /{regexp}/ is given, jump to the first image matching the given /{regexp}/ regular expression pattern.
If the argument starts with ?, jump to the filename following ?.
If given ’+//’, jump to the first different image matching the last given regular expression pattern.
With ’+/’C or ’-/’C, jump to the next or the previous file according to C: if ’s’ if same directory, if ’d’ if down the directory hierarchy, if ’u’ if down the directory hierarchy, if ’b’ if same basename, if upper case match is negative, if missing defaults to ’S’ (jump to file in different dir).
If {identifier|identifier2...}] is encountered after a ’+’ or ’-’ sign, jump to the next or the previous image having a different value for any corresponding i:{identifier} (a trailing ’+’ requires a non empty value).
Matching can occur on both file name and description, possibly loaded via desc or --load-image-descriptions-file; see also ’_lastgotodirection’ and ’_re_search_opts’.
You can specify multiple arguments to goto: those after the first one triggering a jump are ignored.
Executes autocommands for events PreGoto and PostGoto. Keeping pressed shall accelerate images browsing.

help [{identifier}]: provide online help, assuming {identifier} is a variable, alias, or command identifier.
If {identifier} begins with ’/’, search on the help contents, and show a list of matching items.
A list of commands can be obtained simply invoking ’commands’; a list of aliases with ’alias’; a list of bindings with ’bind’; a list of variables with ’variables’.

if(expression){action;}[’else’{action;}]: see ’else’.

info: display information about the current file.

limit {’-list’|’-listall’} ’variable’|[’-further’|’-merge’|’-subtract’] [{expression} |{variable} {value}]: A browsable file list filtering function (like limiting in the ’mutt’ program). Uses information loaded via --load-image-descriptions-file.
If invoked with ’-list’/’-listall’ only, will list the current description variable ids.
If invoked with ’-list’/’-listall’ ’id’, will list set values for the variable ’id’.
If ’-further’ is present, will start with the current list; if not, with the full list.
If ’-merge’ is present, new matches will be merged in the existing list and sorted.
If ’-subtract’ is present, sort and filter out matches.
If {variable} and {value} are provided, limit to files having property {variable} set to {value}.
If {expression} is one exclamation point (’!’), will limit to the currently marked files only.
If {expression} is ’~!’ will limit to files with unique basename.
if ’~=’, to files with duplicate basename.
if ’~^’, to the first of the files with duplicate basename.
if ’~$’, to the last of the files with duplicate basename.
On ’~i’ [MINIDX][-][MAXIDX], (each a number possibly followed by a multiplier ’K’) will limit on filenames in position MINIDX to MAXIDX.
On ’~z’ will limit to files having the current file’s size.
on ’~z’ [MINSIZE][-][MAXSIZE], (each a number possibly followed by a multiplier among ’k’,’K’,’m’,’M’) will limit on filesize within these limits.
on ’~d’ will limit to files having the current file’s date +- one day.
on ’~d’ [MINTIME][-][MAXTIME], (each the count of seconds since the Epoch (First of Jan. of 1970) or a date as DD/MM/YYYY) will limit on file time (struct stat’s ’st_mtime’, in seconds) within this interval.
For other values of {expression}, limit to files whose description string matches {expression}.
Invoked with no arguments, the original browsable files list is restored.

list: display the files list.
list ’random_shuffle’: randomly shuffle the file list.
list ’reverse’: reverse the file list.
list ’clear’: clear the file list.
list ’sort’: sort the file list.
list ’sort_basename’: sort the file list according to base name.
list ’sort_comment’: sort the file list according to the value of the _comment variable.
list ’sort_var’ {var}: sort the file list according to the value of the i:{var} variable.
list ’vars’|’variables’: list variables in all i:* read from description file.
list ’sort_fsize’: sort the file list according to file size.
list ’sort_mtime’: sort the file list according to modification date.
list ’pop’: remove the current file from the files list, and step back.
list ’remove’ [{filename(s)}]: remove the current file, or the {filename(s)}, if specified.
list ’push’ {filename(s)}: push {filename(s)} to the back of the files list.
list ’filesnum’: display the number of files in the files list.
list ’mark’ [{args}]: mark image file names for stdout printing at exit, with {args} mark the ones matching according to the rules of the ’limit’ command, otherwise the current file.
list ’unmark’ [{args}]: unmark marked image file names, with {args} unmark the ones matching according to the rules of the ’limit’ command, otherwise the current file.
list ’marked’: show which files have been marked so far.
list ’dumpmarked’: dump to stdout the marked files (you usually want to ’unmarkall’ afterwards).
list ’markall’: mark all the current list files.
list ’unmarkall’: unmark all the marked files.
list ’pushdir’ {dirname}: push all the files in {dirname}, when matching the regular expression in variable _pushdir_re or, if empty, from constant regular expression ’.(JPG|PNG|GIF|BMP|TIFF|TIF|JPEG|JFIF|PPM|PGM|PBM|PCX|QOI|AVIF|WEBP)$’.
list ’pushdirr’ {dirname}: like pushdir, but also push encountered directory entries recursively.
list ’swap’: move the current image filename to the first in the list (you’ll have to invoke reload to see the effect).
Of the above commands, several are temporarily not available for the duration of a background load (enabled by --background-recursive), which lasts until _loading_in_background is 0.

load: load the image, if not yet loaded (see also ’reload’).
Executes autocommands for events PreLoad and PostLoad.

pan {vsteps}% {hsteps}%: pan the image to {vsteps} percentage steps from the top and {hsteps} percentage steps from left.
pan {vsteps} {hsteps}: pan the image to {vsteps} pixels from the top and {hsteps} pixels from left.
pan {’down’|’up’|’left’|’right’|’ne’|’nw’|’se’|’sw’}[+-] [{steps}[’%’]]: pan the image {steps} pixels in the desired direction.
If the ’%’ specifier is present, {steps} is treated as a percentage of current screen dimensions.
If {steps} is not specified, the ’_steps’ variable is used.
If present, the ’_hsteps’ variable is considered for horizontal panning.
A ’+’ (or ’-’) sign at the end of the first argument jumps to next (or previous) if border is reached.
If present, the ’_vsteps’ variable is considered for vertical panning.
The variables may be terminated by the ’%’ specifier.
Executes autocommands for events PrePan and PostPan.

popen {syscmd}: pipe a command, invoking popen(): spawns a shell, invoking ’{syscmd}’ and executing as fim commands the output of ’{syscmd}’. Can be disabled at configure time with --disable-system.

pread {args}: execute {args} as a shell command and read the output as an image file (using ’popen’). Can be disabled at configure time with --disable-system.

prefetch: prefetch (read into the cache) the two nearby image files (next and previous), for a faster subsequent opening.
Executes autocommands for events PrePrefetch and PostPrefetch.
See also the ’_want_prefetch’ variable.

pwd: print the current directory name, and updates the ’_pwd’ variable.

quit [{number}]: terminate the program.
If {number} is specified, use it as the program return status.
Note that autocommand ’PostInteractiveCommand’ does not trigger after this command.

recording ’start’: start recording the executed commands.
recording ’stop’: stop recording the executed commands.
recording ’dump’: dump in the console the record buffer.
recording ’execute’: execute the record buffer.
recording ’repeat_last’: repeat the last performed action.

redisplay: re-display the current file contents.

reload [{arg}]: load the image into memory.
If {arg} is present, force reloading, bypassing the cache (see also ’load’).
Executes autocommands for events PreReload and PostReload.

rotate {number}: rotate the image the specified amount of degrees. If unspecified, by one. If you are interested in orthogonal rotations, see ’_orientation’ and related aliases.
Executes autocommands for events PreScale and PostScale.

scale {[’+’|’-’]{value}[’%’]|’*’{value}|’w’|’h’|’a’|’b’|’+[+-*/]’|[’<’|’>’]|’shadow’}: scale the image according to a scale {value} (e.g.: 0.5,40%,’w’,’h’,’a’,’b’).
If given ’*’ and a value, multiply the current scale by that value.
If given ’w’, scale according to the screen width.
If given ’h’, scale to the screen height.
If given ’a’, to the minimum of ’w’ and ’h’.
If given ’b’, like ’a’, provided that the image width exceeds ’w’ or ’h’.
If {value} is a number, scale relatively to the original image width.
If the number is followed by ’%’, the relative scale is treated as a percentage.
If given ’++’(’+-’), increment (decrement) the ’_magnify_factor’, ’_reduce_factor’ variables by ’_scale_factor_delta’.
If given ’+*’(’+/’), multiply (divide) the ’_magnify_factor’, ’_reduce_factor’ variables by ’_scale_factor_multiplier’.
If given ’<’ (or ’>’), shrink (or magnify) image using nearest mipmap (cached pre-scaled version). If given ’shadow’ as a parameter, search a same-named file in one of the directories specified to --load-shadow-dir.
Executes autocommands for events PreScale and PostScale.

scroll: scroll down the image, going next when hitting the bottom.
scroll ’forward’: scroll the image as we were reading left to right (see ’_scroll_skip_page_fraction’ variable).
Executes autocommands for events PrePan and PostPan.

set: returns a list of variables which are set.
set {identifier}: returns the value of variable {identifier}.
set {identifier} {value}: sets variable {identifier} to value {value}.

set_commandline_mode: set console mode. Note that the mode will change only after the current block of commands is evaluated.

set_interactive_mode: set interactive mode. Note that the mode will change only after the current block of commands is evaluated.

sleep [{number}]: sleep for the specified number of seconds (or 1, if unspecified).

status: set the status line to the collation of the given arguments.

stderr {args}: writes to stderr its arguments {args}.

stdout {args}: writes to stdout its arguments {args}.

system {syscmd}: get the output of executing the {syscmd} system command. Uses the popen() system call. Usually popen invokes "/bin/sh -c {syscmd}". This might not handle a multi-word command; in that case you have to put it into a script. See ’man popen’ for more. Can be disabled at configure time with --disable-system.

variables: display the existing variables.

unalias {identifier} | ’-a’: delete the alias {identifier} or all aliases (use ’-a’, not -a).

unbind {keysym}: unbind the action associated to a specified {keysym}
If {keysym} is at least two characters long and begins with 0 (zero), the integer number after the 0 will be treated as a raw keycode to bind the specified {keysym} to.
Use the ’_verbose_keys’ variable to discover (display device dependent) raw keys.

while(expression){action;}: A conditional cycle construct.
May be interrupted by hitting the ’Esc’ or the ’:’ key.

window {args}: this command is disabled.


" " "!" ’"’ "#" "$" "%" "&" "’" "(" ")" "*" "+" "," "-" "." "/" "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" ":" ";" "<" "=" ">" "?" "@" "A" "Any" "B" "Backspace" "C" "C-a" "C-b" "C-c" "C-d" "C-e" "C-f" "C-g" "C-h" "C-i" "C-j" "C-k" "C-l" "C-m" "C-n" "C-o" "C-p" "C-q" "C-r" "C-s" "C-t" "C-u" "C-v" "C-w" "C-x" "C-y" "C-z" "D" "Del" "Down" "E" "End" "Enter" "Esc" "F" "F1" "F10" "F11" "F12" "F2" "F3" "F4" "F5" "F6" "F7" "F8" "F9" "G" "H" "Home" "I" "Ins" "J" "K" "L" "Left" "M" "N" "O" "P" "PageDown" "PageUp" "Q" "R" "Right" "S" "T" "Tab" "U" "Up" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z" "[" "\" "]" "^" "_" "’" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z" "{" "|" "}" "~"


Available autocommands are: PreScale, PostScale, PrePan, PostPan, PreRedisplay, PostRedisplay, PreDisplay, PostDisplay, PrePrefetch, PostPrefetch, PreReload, PostReload, PreLoad, PostLoad, PreGoto, PostGoto, PreConfigLoading, PostConfigLoading, PreHardcodedConfigLoading, PostHardcodedConfigLoading, PreUserConfigLoading, PostUserConfigLoading, PreGlobalConfigLoading, PostGlobalConfigLoading, PreInteractiveCommand, PostInteractiveCommand, PreExecutionCycle, PostExecutionCycle, PreExecutionCycleArgs, PreWindow, PostWindow, and they are triggered on actions as suggested by their name.
Those associated to actual commands are mentioned in the associated commands reference.


If undeclared, a variable will evaluate to 0.

When assigning a variable to a string, use single or double quoting, otherwise it will be treated as a number.

The namespaces in which variables may exist are: current image, global. A namespace is specified by a prefix, which can be: ’i:’, be prepended to the variable name. The global namespace is equivalent to the empty one:’’. The special variable i:* expands to the collation of all the name-value pairs for the current image.

In the following, the [internal] variables are the ones referenced in the source code (not including the hardcoded configuration, which may be inspected and/or invalidated by the user at runtime).

_TERM [out,g:] the environment TERM variable.
[out,i:] flipping information, read from the EXIF tags of a given image.
[out,i:] mirroring information, read from the EXIF tags of a given image.
[out,g:] space-separated list of hardcoded file loaders usable with _file_loader.
[in,g:] If non-empty, a regular expression matching the filenames to be treated as archives (multipage files). If empty, ".(RAR|ZIP|TAR|TAR.GZ|fim-0.7.1.tar.gz|TAR.BZ2|TBZ|TBZ2|CBR|CBZ|LHA|7Z|XAR|ISO)$" is used. Within each archive, only filenames matching the regular expression in the _pushdir_re variable are considered for loading.
[in,g:] dump to stdout autocommands (autocmd) stack trace during their execution (for debugging purposes).
[in,g:] if 1, desaturate all images.
[in,g:] if 1, flip all images.
[in,g:] if 1, mirror all images.
[in,g:] if 1, negate all images.
[in,g:] if 1, align to the top freshly loaded images.
[out,i:] if an image has been temporarily converted and decoded from a temporary file, its name is here.
[in,g:] string for cache control. If it starts with ’m’, cache mipmaps; if it starts with ’M’ then do not not cache them. Otherwise defaults apply.
[out,g:] string with current information on cache status.
[out,g:] the number of images currently cached.
[in,g:] if set to a value different than 0, display a custom comment string specified according to the value of _caption_over_image_fmt; if larger than 1, with black background; if 3, draw above the image, with no overlap. Occupies at most half of the screen.
[in,g:] custom info format string, displayed in a caption over the image; if unset: i:_comment; otherwise a custom format string specified just as _info_fmt_str.
[in,g:] if 1, enable autocompletion (on execution) of alias and command strings.
[i:,out] the image comment, extracted from the image file (if any).
[out,g:] amount of unused memory in the output console buffer.
[out,g:] amount of memory allocated for the output console buffer.
[out,g:] amount of used memory in the output console buffer.
[in,g:] the key bound (an integer variable) to spawn the command line; overrides any other binding. It’s set -1 if command line disabled.
[out,g:] the number of buffered output console text lines.
[in,out,g:] position of the text beginning in the output console, expressed in lines.
[in,g:] debugging option string for printing out . if containing ’a’, print out autocmd info; if containing ’c’, print out each command; if containing ’k’, print out each pressed key in command line mode; if containing ’i’, print interpreter internal steps; if containing ’B’, clear screen and print background loading files; if containing ’C’, print cache activity; if containing ’m’, gtk mode menus tooltips will contain also specification strings; if containing ’mm’, gtk mode menu building will also be very verbose.
[out,g:] the current display device string, in the form [fb|sdl|gtk|ca|aa|dumb][={gfxopts}]. See option --output-device for a description.
[in,g:] force loading files as pixelmaps (no image decoding is performed); if 1, using one bit per pixel; if 24, using 24 bits per pixel. If empty, load and decode the files as usual.
[in,g:] if 1, force loading specified files as text files (no image decoding is performed); otherwise load and decode the files as usual.
[in,g:] if 1, display a message on the status bar when processing.
[in,g:] if 1, display the output console.
[in,g:] if 1, display the status bar.
[in,g:] if 1, display the status bar.
[in,g:] custom info format string, displayed in the lower left corner of the status bar; if unset: full pathname; otherwise a custom format string specified just as _info_fmt_str.
[in,experimental,g:] if 1, execute a sanity check on startup.
[in,g:] if 1, downscale at load time huge images (that is, ones exceeding by 1.5 times the screen size).
[out,i:] orientation information in the same format of _orientation, read from the orientation EXIF tags (i:EXIF_Orientation).
[out,g:] comment extracted via the exiftool interface; see _use_exiftool.
[out,i:] if an image has been decoded via an external program, its name is here.
[out,g:] The current console font file string. If the internal hardcoded font has been used, then its value is "fim://".
[in,g:] Scale the rendered text to at least this (integer) fraction of the screen. Disable font autoscaling with -1. (Only enabled if configured with --with-font-magnifying-factor=FACTOR, with FACTOR<1).
[in,g:] For the rendered text use a font magnified by this (integer) factor. Maximal value is "16". (Only enabled if configured with --with-font-magnifying-factor=FACTOR, with FACTOR<1).
[in,g:] if > 0, verbose font loading
[out,i:] time taken to load the file and decode the image, in seconds.
[in,i:,g:] specify a file loader to use (among the ones listed in the -V switch output); [out] i:_file_loader stores the loader of the current image.
[out,g:] the current image numeric index.
[out,g:] current image list length (number of visible images).
[out,i:] the current file name string.
[out,g:] the bits per pixel count.
[out,g:] the contents of the default (hardcoded) configuration file (executed after the minimal hardcoded config).
[out,g:] the contents of the default (hardcoded) grammar file.
[in,g:] the name of the file to write to when recording sessions.
[out,g:] fim version number; may be used for keeping compatibility of fim scripts across evolving versions.
[out,g:] internal
[in,g:] the default steps, in pixels, when panning images horizontally (overrides steps).
[in,g:] if 1, allow for case-insensitive regexp-based match in autocommands (autocmd).
[in,g:] custom info format string, displayed in the lower right corner of the status bar; may contain ordinary text and special ’expando’ sequences. These are: %p for current scale, in percentage; %w for width; %h for height; %i for image index in list; %k for the value of i:_comment (comment description) variable in square brackets (if non empty); %l for current image list length; %L for flip/mirror/orientation information; %P for page information; %F for file size; %M for screen image memory size; %m for memory used by mipmap; %C for memory used by cache; %T for total memory used (approximation); %R for total max memory used (as detected by getrusage()); %n for the current file path name; %N for the current file path name basename; ; %c for centering information; %v for the fim program/version identifier string; %% for an ordinary %. A sequence like %?VAR?EXP? expands to EXP if i:VAR is set (or, otherwise, if VAR); EXP is copied verbatim except for contained sequences of the form %:VAR:, which expand to the value of variable i:VAR (or, if unset, VAR); this is meant to be used like in e.g. ’%?EXIF_DateTimeOriginal?[%:EXIF_DateTimeOriginal:]?’, where the EXIF-set variable EXIF_DateTimeOriginal (make sure you have libexif for this) are used only if present.
[internal,g:] if 1, inhibit display.
[out,experimental,g:] the last command output.
[out,g:] set to the name of the last file loader used.
[out,experimental,g:] the standard output of the last call to the system command.
[out,g:] the last visited image numeric index (different than _fileindex). Useful for jumping back and forth easily between two images with ’goto _lastfileindex’.
[out,g:] the last file goto direction (either string ’+1’ or string ’-1’).
[out,g:] the last visited file page index.
[in,g:] if 1 at startup, load the system wide initialization file.
[in,g:] if 1 on startup, load the ~/.fim_history file on startup.
[in,g:] if not 1, when pushing directories/files, those with name beginning with a dot (.) are skipped.
[out,g:] 1 if program has been invoked with --background-recursive and still loading in background.
[internal,g:] if 1 and doing a --slideshow, do it once.
[in,g:] if>0, force the output console text width.
[in,g:] the image scale multiplier used when magnifying images size.
[in,g:] the maximum number of images after which forcing evictions. Setting this to 0 (no limits) is ok provided _max_cached_memory is set meaningfully.
[in,g:] the maximum amount of memory (in KiB) at which images continue being added to the cache. Setting this to 0 (no limit) leads to a crash (there is no protection currently).
[g:] the iteration limit for N in "N[commandname]" iterated command invocations.
[in,g:] the minimum number of images to keep from eviction; if less than four can lead to inefficiencies: e.g. when jumping between two images, each time an erase and a prefetch of neighboring images would trigger. default value is 4.
[in,g:] if 0, a default, hardcoded configuration is loaded at startup, after the minimal hardcoded one.
[in,g:] if 1, do not attempt using external programs to decode a file of an unknown format.
[in,g:] if 1, do not load the ~/.fimrc configuration file at startup.
[in,optional,g:,i:] offset (specified in bytes) used when opening a file; [out] i:_open_offset is assigned to images opened at a nonzero offset.
[in,optional,g:] number of adjacent bytes to probe in opening the file.
[internal,i:] Orthogonal clockwise rotation (orientation) is controlled by: ’i:_orientation’, ’g:_orientation’ and applied on a per-image basis. In particular, the values of the three variables are summed up and the sum is interpreted as the image orientation. If the sum is 0, no rotation applies; if it is 1, a single ( 90’) rotation applies; if it is 2, a double (180’) rotation applies; if it is 3, a triple (270’) rotation applies. If the sum is not one of 0,1,2,3, the value of the sum modulo 4 is considered. Therefore, ":i:_orientation=1" and ":i:_orientation=5" are equivalent: they rotate the image one time by 90’.
[in,g:] a user-specified shell command emitting an image on stdout, in a format readable by the convert utility. If the current filename matches "^[/A-Za-z0-9_.][/A-Za-z0-9_.-]*$", substitute it to any occurrence of ’{}’.
[in,optional,g:] if >0, rendering of pdf, ps, djvu use this value for a default document dpi; if unset, use an internal default value.
[in,optional,g:] if >0, bit-based (see _display_as_binary) rendering uses this value for a default document width (instead of a default value).
[in,experimental,g:] if 1 (default), check with stat() the existence of input files before push’ing them (set this to 0 to speed up loading very long file lists; in these cases a trailing slash (/) must be used to tell fim a pathname is a directory). This only works after initialization (thus, after command line files have been push’ed); use --no-stat-push if you wish to set this to 0 at command line files specification.
[in,g:] if 1, the push command also accepts and pushes directories (using pushdir). if 2, also push hidden files/directories, that is, ones whose names begin with a dot (.).
[in] regular expression to match against when pushing files from a directory or an archive. By default this is ".(JPG|PNG|GIF|BMP|TIFF|TIF|JPEG|JFIF|PPM|PGM|PBM|PCX|QOI|AVIF|WEBP)$".
[out,g:] the current working directory; variable updated at startup and whenever the working directory changes.
[in,g:] affects regexp-based searches; if an empty string, defaults apply; if it contains ’i’ (’I’), case insensitive (sensitive) searches occur; if it contains ’b’, match on basename, if contains ’f’ on full pathname; if it contains ’D’, match on description.
[in,g:] the image scale multiplier used when reducing images size.
[in,g:] if set to 1 and a user-specified file loader fails, probe for a different loader.
[in,g:] if >0, set the number of text lines in the console to be displayed .
[in,g:] if 1 on exit, save the ~/.fim_history file on exit.
[in,g:] value used for incrementing/decrementing the scaling factors.
[in,g:] value used for scaling up/down the scaling factors.
[in,g:] if non empty, pass it to the scale command; see its documentation for possible values.
[out] the screen height.
[out,g:] the screen width.
[int,g:] if >1, fraction of page to skip when scrolling (e.g. ’scrollforward’); if 1, auto chosen; if <1, disabled.
[optional,g:] seek a ’magic’ signature in the file after opening it, and try decoding it starting within the range of that signature (use like this: fim -C ’_seek_magic=MAGIC_STRING;push filename’).
[in,g:] number of seconds of sleep during slideshow mode.
[in,g:] if 1, display the status bar.
[in,g:] the default steps, in pixels, when panning images.
[internal,g:] if it becomes 1 during a slideshow, stop it; gets unset before each ’while’.
[in,g:] string with the global configuration file name.
[in,g:] if >0 and supported, use exiftool to get additional information. If 1, append this information to _comment; if 2, to _exiftool_comment.
[in,g:] if >0, use mipmaps to speed up downscaling of images (this has a memory overhead equivalent to one image copy); mipmaps are not cached. If 2, use every fourth source pixel instead of averaging (good for photos, not for graphs).
[in,g:] if 1, display on stdout internal errors, while parsing commands.
[in,g:] if 1, display on the console the raw keycode of each key hit interactively.
[in,experimental,g:] program verbosity.
[in,g:] the default steps, in pixels, when panning images vertically (overrides steps).
[in,g:] if 1, center the image when displayed.
[in,g:] if 1, reorient images using information from EXIF metadata (and stored in in _exif_orientation, __exif_mirrored, __exif_flipped ).
[in,g:] if 1, prefetch further files just after displaying the first file; if 2 (and configured with --enable-cxx11) load in the background.
[in,g:] this works only if supported by the display device. If set to a number that is not 0, show the status (or command) line in the window manager caption; if set to a non-empty string, interpret it just as a file info format string (see _info_fmt_str); if empty, show the program version.
[in,g:] if at least 9 chars long, enable mouse click/movement behaviour when in GTK, SDL or libcaca mode; the 9 chars correspond to a 3x3 screen clickable grid and the equivalent command keys; clicking middle or right button toggle on-screen usage info.
[in,out,i:] a floating point number specifying the rotation angle, in degrees.
[in,out,i:] the asymmetric scaling of the current image.
[out,i:] 1, if the image is desaturated.
[out,i:] 1, if the image is flipped.
[in,out,i:,experimental] 1 if the image was loaded, before all autocommands (autocmd) execution.
[out,i:] the current image original height.
[out,i:] 1, if the image is mirrored.
[out,i:] 1, if the image is negated.
[out,experimental,g:] the current page.
[out,experimental,i:] the current number of pages of an image.
[out] a pseudorandom number.
[in,i:] the scale of the current image.
[out,i:] the current image scaled height.
[out,i:] the current image scaled width.
[out,i:] the current image original width.


Hardcoded aliases are:

alias "A" "_autotop=1-_autotop;"
alias "magnify" "scale ’+’" # magnify the displayed image by the _magnify_factor variable or {args}
alias "next" "goto ’+1’" # go to the next page or file
alias "next_file" "goto ’+1f’" # go to the next file in the list
alias "next_page" "goto ’+1p’" # go to the next page in the file
alias "prev" "goto ’-1’" # go to the previous page or file
alias "prev_file" "goto ’-1f’" # go to the previous file in the list
alias "prev_page" "goto ’-1p’" # go to the previous page in the file
alias "reduce" "scale ’-’" # reduce the displayed image by _reduce_factor or {args}
alias "scale_factor_decrease" "scale ’+-’" # subtract _scale_factor_delta to the scale factors _reduce_factor and _magnify_factor
alias "scale_factor_grow" "scale ’+*’" # multiply the scale factors _reduce_factor and _magnify_factor by _scale_factor_multiplier
alias "scale_factor_increase" "scale ’++’" # add _scale_factor_delta to the scale factors _reduce_factor and _magnify_factor
alias "scale_factor_shrink" "scale ’+/’" # divide the scale factors _reduce_factor and _magnify_factor by _scale_factor_multiplier

They can be redefined with alias or deleted with the unalias command.
Further default aliases are usually loaded at startup -- see the CONFIGURATION FILE EXAMPLE section below.


# jump to the third image:
# jump to first image:
# jump to last image:
# magnify the image two times:
# scale the image to the 30% of the original:
# scale the image up by 30%:
# scale the image down by 30%:
# jump to the next image whose filename matches the ".*jpg" regular expression:
# execute the "date" system command


Part of the default configuration comes from the _fim_default_config_file_contents variable, shown here.
One can skip its loading by using the _no_default_configuration variable.

# $LastChangedDate: 2024-05-15 01:34:42 +0200 (Wed, 15 May 2024) $
# Contents of the default ’fimrc’ file, hardcoded in the fim executable.
# Read the documentation (man fimrc) to discover how to change this default hardcoded file and how to make your own.
# Note that usually a ~/.fimrc file is read after these options take effect, so you could reset all of this with ease.
# Lines beginning with a pound (#) are ignored by fim (they are treated as comments).
# Internal variables.
# Some of these variables influence fim’s behaviour (input variables), some are set by fim (output variables).
# It is wise the input variables are set at the beginning of the file, so the bottom may issue commands correctly affected by them.
# External variables (not used internally).
alias "toggleautoflip" "_autoflip=1-_autoflip" "";
alias "toggleautonegate" "_autonegate=1-_autonegate" "";
alias "toggleflip" "i:flipped=1-i:flipped" "toggles flipped property on the current image";
alias "flip" "toggleflip;redisplay" "flip the current image along the horizontal axis";
alias "fliponce" "flip;toggleflip" "flip, but just for one display";
alias "toggleautomirror" "_automirror=1-_automirror" "";
alias "togglemirror" "i:mirrored=1-i:mirrored" "toggles mirrored property on the current image";
alias "mirror" "togglemirror;redisplay" "mirror the image along the vertical axis" "";
alias "mirroronce" "mirror;togglemirror" "mirror, but just for one display";
alias ’toggleLimitMarked’ ’__pre_limit_fileindex=_fileindex;_limit_mode=1-_limit_mode; if(_limit_mode==1){limit "!";} else { limit; } if(_filelistlen<1){_limit_mode=0;limit;goto __pre_limit_fileindex;} i:fresh=1;redisplay; ’ "toggle between limiting file list to the marked files and the full list";
alias "unlimit" "limit;i:fresh=1;reload;redisplay" "calling limit with no arguments restores the original list";
#alias ’mark_current_file’ ’_markedfile=i:_filename’;
#alias ’goto_marked_file’ ’goto "?"._markedfile’;
alias ’mark_current_file’ ’_markedfile=_fileindex’; # Note: temporary; _markedfile undocumented.
alias ’goto_marked_file’ ’goto _markedfile’; # Note: temporary.
# Warning : binding to C-s, C-z and C-c won’t make effect, as these
# codes are get caught by the console driver and will have no effect in fim.
# Moreover, C-z will crash fim and C-c will terminate it.
# Some other combinations (e.g.:C-l) may have similar problems in your console.
bind ’f’ "flip";
bind ’F’ "fliponce";
bind ’m’ "mirror";
bind ’M’ "mirroronce";
bind ’q’ "quit";
bind ’Esc’ "quit";
#bind ’n’ "next_file";
#bind ’n’ "next";
bind ’C-h’ "help";
#bind ’?’ "help"; # assigned to back-search
#bind ’/’ "help"; # assigned to forward-search
bind ’=’ "scale ’100%’";
#bind ’p’ "prev_file";
#alias ’list_remove_and_reload’ "list ’remove’;reload"; # once menus commands can support ;, remove this
bind ’Del’ "list ’remove’;reload"; # no quit on last file
#bind ’Del’ "list_remove_and_reload"; # no quit on last file
#bind ’Del’ "if(_filelistlen<2)quit;list ’remove’;reload;"; # quit if no files left
#bind ’s’ "list ’sort’";
bind ’ ’ "scroll ’forward’";
bind ’S’ "toggleDisplayStatus";
bind ’I’ "toggleautonegate";
bind ’i’ "color ’negate’;redisplay";
bind ’g’ "color ’desaturate’;redisplay";
bind ’[’ ’font_reduce;redisplay’;
bind ’]’ ’font_magnify;redisplay’;
bind ’|’ ’toggle_font_auto_scale;redisplay’;
bind ’{’ ’font "prev";redisplay’;
bind ’}’ ’font "next";redisplay’;
bind ’G’ "toggleDesaturate";
bind ’r’ "rotate90";
bind ’R’ "rotate270";
bind ’+’ "magnify";
bind ’a’ "scale ’a’";
bind ’H’ "scale ’H’";
bind ’Tab’ "toggleVerbosity";
bind ’Menu’ "toggleVerbosity";
bind ’v’ "toggleDisplayStatus";
bind ’A’ "A";
#bind ’C-m’ "list ’mark’";
bind ’C-m’ "mark_current_file";
bind ’C-j’ "goto_marked_file";
bind ’u’ "list ’unmark’";
bind ’Enter’ "list ’mark’;goto _lastgotodirection";
bind ’-’ "reduce";
bind "Up" "pan_up";
bind ’k’ "pan_up";
bind "Right" "pan_right";
bind ’l’ "pan_right";
bind "Down" "pan_down";
bind ’j’ "pan_down";
bind "Left" "pan_left";
bind ’h’ "pan_left";
bind ’t’ "align ’top’";
bind ’C-g’ "system ’fbgrab’ ’fim_’._device_string.’.png’"; # grab a screenshot
#bind ’C-r’ "recording ’start’";
bind ’C-r’ "reload ’’";
bind ’Q’ "recording ’stop’";
bind ’D’ "recording ’dump’";
bind ’E’ "recording ’execute’";
bind ’C-e’ "recording ’execute’";
bind ’C-x’ "recording ’execute’";
bind ’.’ "recording ’repeat_last’";
bind ’’’ "toggleLimitMarked";
alias "toggleVerbosity" "_display_console=1-_display_console;i:fresh=1;redisplay" "";
alias "toggleKeyVerbosity" "_verbose_keys=1-_verbose_keys;redisplay" "";
alias "toggleDesaturate" "_autodesaturate=1-_autodesaturate;redisplay" "";
alias "idempotent_cmd" "goto ’’";
# Autocommands examples:
#autocmd "PostInteractiveCommand" "fim.png" "echo ’\nmatched an interactive command on fim.png\n’";
#autocmd "PostDisplay" ".*png" "echo ’this is a png file’";
#autocmd "PostDisplay" ".*jpg" "echo ’this is a jpg file’";
#autocmd "PostDisplay" "" "echo ’\nthis is a file\n’";
#autocmd "PostGoto" "" "set_interactive_mode";
autocmd "PostGoto" "" "reload";
autocmd "PostWindow" "" "i:fresh=1;redisplay;";
autocmd "PreRedisplay" "" "i:_will_display=1";
autocmd "PreRedisplay" "" "if(_scale_style!=’’ && i:fresh){i:fresh=0;scale _scale_style ;i:fresh=0;}";
autocmd "PostRedisplay" "" "i:_will_display=0";
# Display device specific config
alias "aalib_fix_do" "{if(aascale==’’){ascale=’2.0’;}else{ascale=aascale;} i:fresh=1;display;if(_TERM=~’screen’){echo ’Detected screen+aalib: key bindings may not work as intended.’}}" "See aalib_fix.";
alias "aalib_fix" "if(_device_string=~’^aa’){aalib_fix_do;scale ’a’;}" "When using the aalib (ASCII art) library we face a problem: glyph proportions are seldom square (as pixels are), and are tricky to detect; for this reason, we need to reshape the image with respect to the font ratio, but we have to make a guess in the scaling factor to compensate. If at runtime a better value is known for the terminal font height/with ratio, it may be fed in the ’aascale’ variable for an accurate scaling.";
alias "cacalib_fix_do" "{if(cacascale==’’){ascale=’1.18’;}else{scale=cacascale;} i:fresh=1;display;if(_TERM=~’screen’){echo ’Detected screen+cacalib: key bindings may not work as intended.’}}" "See cacalib_fix.";
alias "cacalib_fix" "getenv ’DISPLAY’;if(_device_string=~’^ca’ && ENV_DISPLAY==’’){cacalib_fix_do;scale ’a’;}" "When using the libcaca (Coloured ASCII art) library we face a problem: glyph proportions are seldom square (as pixels are), and are tricky to detect; for this reason, we need to reshape the image with respect to the font ratio, but we have to make a guess in the scaling factor to compensate. If at runtime a better value is known for the terminal font height/with ratio, it may be fed in the ’cacascale’ variable for an accurate scaling.";
autocmd "PostReload" "" "aalib_fix";
autocmd "PostLoad" "" "aalib_fix";
autocmd "PostReload" "" "cacalib_fix";
autocmd "PostLoad" "" "cacalib_fix";
alias "refresh" "desc ’reload’;redisplay;" "reloads and displays image description";
bind "F5" "refresh";
alias "toggle_fullscreen" "if( (_device_string=~’^sdl’ || _device_string=~’^gtk’ ) && !_fullscreen){_old_sw=_screen_width;_old_sh=_screen_height;display ’reinit’ ’mW0:0’;_fullscreen=1;}else if( (_device_string=~’^sdl’ || _device_string=~’^gtk’ ) && _old_sw*_old_sh*_fullscreen){display ’reinit’ ’rwm’._old_sw.’:’._old_sh;_fullscreen=0;}_gtk_fullscreen=_fullscreen;" "Toggles full screen. Will show mouse cursor in full screen.";
alias "_gtk_check_for_toggle_fullscreen" "if( _device_string=~’^gtk’ && _gtk_fullscreen != _fullscreen){toggle_fullscreen;}";
alias "_gtk_check_for_toggle_gtk_menus" "if(_device_string=~’^gtk’){if(_hide_gtk_menus){display ’reinit’ ’b’;}else{display ’reinit’ ’B’;}}";
bind "F11" "toggle_fullscreen";

autocmd "PostReload" "" "i:fresh=1" ;
autocmd "PostScale" "" "if(0==i:_will_display){i:fresh=1;display;}" ;
autocmd "PostPan" "" "{i:fresh=1;display;}" ;
#autocmd "PostReload" "pdf|ps|djvu|dvi" "scale ’w’;align ’top’";
autocmd "PostReload" "" "if(i:fresh){redisplay;}";
autocmd "PostInteractiveCommand" "" "if(i:fresh){display;i:fresh=0;}";
autocmd "PostInteractiveCommand" "" "if(_want_prefetch>0){prefetch;}";
autocmd "PostInteractiveCommand" "" "if(_display_console==0 && i:fresh){redisplay;i:fresh=0;}";
autocmd "PostInteractiveCommand" "" "idempotent_cmd"; # Bug workaround: without it console scroll is broken.
autocmd "PostInteractiveCommand" "" "_gtk_check_for_toggle_gtk_menus;_gtk_check_for_toggle_fullscreen";

#alias "next10" "i=0;while(i<10){i=i+1;next;display;sleep ’1’;}" "goes forward 10 images";
#alias "prev10" "i=0;while(i<10){i=i+1;prev;display;sleep ’1’;}" "goes backward 10 images";
bind ’N’ "goto ’+1p’ ’+museum|series|city|category|artist+’ ’+/S’ ’+10’;" "goto by jump or category or directory or just ahead";
bind ’P’ "goto ’-1p’ ’-museum|series|city|category|artist+’ ’-/S’ ’-10’;" "goto by jump or category or directory or just back ";
bind ’C-n’ "goto ’+//’";
bind ’C-p’ "goto ’-//’";
bind ’C-b’ "goto ’-//’"; # Warning: many configurations cannot detect C-b.
bind ’W’ "display ’resize’" "if supported, resizes the window to match the current image pixels size";
#bind ’C-w’ "scale ’100%’;display ’resize’" "if supported, scales the image to 100% and resizes the window to match its size (if fits)";
bind ’C-w’ "if(_scale_style!=’w’){_scale_style=’w’;scale ’w’;}else{_scale_style=’’;scale ’100%’;}" "scale to width";
alias "endless_slideshow" "while(1){display;sleep _slideshow_sleep_time;next;}" "performs an automated slideshow, endlessly";
alias "bookview" "while(1){display;sleep ’2’;scroll ’down’;}" "";
alias "comicview" "while(1){display;sleep ’2’;scroll ’down’;}" "";
alias "read" "while(1){display;sleep ’2’;scroll ’forward’;}" "";
alias "slowread" "while(_fileindex<=_filelistlen-1){display;sleep ’2’;scroll ’forward’;}" "loop once slowly";
alias "fastread" "while(_fileindex<=_filelistlen-1){display;sleep ’0.1’;scroll ’forward’;}" "proceeds like in a book but very fast, once";
alias "pornview" "echo ’press any key repeatedly to terminate’ ;endless_slideshow" "enters an endless slideshow (alias name from an actual image viewer)";
autocmd "PreExecutionCycle" "/fbps-" "_display_busy=0;_display_status=0" ;
autocmd "PreExecutionCycle" "" "i:fresh=1;reload";
autocmd "PreExecutionCycle" "/fbps-.*ps001.png" "i:fresh=1;redisplay";
## Example in imposing a file loader to an extension:
#autocmd "PreReload" ".*mtx.gz" "_file_loader=’MatrixMarket’";
#autocmd "PostReload" ".*mtx.gz" "_file_loader=’’";
bind ’*’ "_display_console=0;toggleVerbosity;echo i:*";
bind ’w’ "scale ’w’";
bind ’<’ "rotate10_ccw;display";
bind ’>’ "rotate10;display";
bind ’_’ "_scale_style=’’;scale ’100%’";
bind ’,’ "_display_console=1;echo _last_system_output";
bind ’C-a’ "if(_scale_style!=’a’){_scale_style=’a’;scale ’a’;}else{_scale_style=’’;scale ’100%’;}" "scale to height";
alias "pan_nw" "pan ’nw’" "pans the image to the upper left";
alias "pan_ne" "pan ’ne’" "pans the image to the upper right";
alias "pan_se" "pan ’se’" "pans the image to the lower left";
alias "pan_sw" "pan ’sw’" "pans the image to the lower right";
alias "pan_down" "if(_display_console==0){pan ’down’;}else{scd;}" "pans the image down / scrolls console down";
alias "pan_up" "if(_display_console==0){pan ’up’ ;}else{scu;}" "pans the image up / scrolls console up";
alias "pan_left" "pan ’left’" "pans the image left";
alias "pan_right" "pan ’right’" "pans the image right";
alias "diagonal_nw" "pan_nw" "pans the image to the upper left";
alias "diagonal_ne" "pan_ne" "pans the image to the upper right";
alias "diagonal_se" "pan_se" "pans the image to the lower left";
alias "diagonal_sw" "pan_sw" "pans the image to the lower right";
bind ’d’ "diagonal_nw";
bind ’D’ "diagonal_se";
bind ’x’ "diagonal_ne";
bind ’X’ "diagonal_sw";
alias "toggleDisplayStatus" "_display_status=1-_display_status;redisplay" "";
alias "toggleDisplayBusy" "_display_busy=1-_display_busy" "";
alias "sort" "list ’sort’" "sorts the files list ordered";
bind ’o’ "sort";
bind ’b’ "prev";
bind ’B’ "toggleDisplayBusy";
alias "random_slideshow" "while(1){display;sleep _slideshow_sleep_time; eval ’r=random’;goto r;}" "performs a shuffled slideshow, endlessly";
alias "rotate90_ccw" "i:_orientation=i:_orientation+3;i:fresh=1;redisplay" "rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise";
alias "rotate90_cw" "i:_orientation=i:_orientation+1;i:fresh=1;redisplay" "rotate 90 degrees clockwise";
alias "rotate180" "i:_orientation=i:_orientation+2;i:fresh=1;redisplay" "rotate 180 degrees";
alias "rotate90" "rotate90_cw;display" "rotate 90 degrees clockwise";
alias "rotate270" "rotate90_ccw;display" "rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise";
alias "rotate10" "rotate ’10’;display" "rotate 10 degrees counter clockwise";
alias "rotate10_ccw" "rotate -10 ;display" "rotate 10 degrees clockwise";

bind ’K’ ’if(_display_console==0){echo i:_filename.": ".i:_comment;toggleVerbosity}else{toggleVerbosity;}’;
bind ’C-k’ ’crop’ # still experimental

alias ’cache’ ’echo _cache_status’ "displays cached images status";
bind ’c’ ’align "center"’;
alias ’widen’ ’i:ascale=i:ascale*"1.1";*1.0’ "widen the current image";
alias ’narrow’ ’i:ascale=i:ascale/"1.1";*1.0’ "narrow the current image";
bind ’y’ "widen" "widen horizontally the image";
bind ’Y’ "narrow" "shrink horizontally the image";
alias ’console_scroll_up’ ’if(_console_offset<_console_lines+console_scroll_n-_rows){_console_offset=_console_offset+console_scroll_n;}’ "scrolls up the virtual console";
alias ’console_scroll_down’ ’if(allow_round_scroll || (_console_offset>=console_scroll_n)){_console_offset=_console_offset-console_scroll_n;}’ "scrolls down the virtual console";
alias ’console_scroll_reset’ ’{_console_offset=0;}’;
alias ’scu’ ’console_scroll_up’ "";
alias ’scd’ ’console_scroll_down’ "";
alias ’scz’ ’console_scroll_reset’ "";
alias ’center’ ’align "center"’;
alias ’left’ ’align "left"’;
alias ’right’ ’align "right"’;
alias ’top’ ’align "top"’;
alias ’bottom’ ’align "bottom"’;
alias "font_magnify_auto" "if(_fbfont_as_screen_fraction>1){_fbfont_as_screen_fraction=_fbfont_as_screen_fraction-1;}else{_fbfont_as_screen_fraction=_screen_width/100+_screen_height/100;}" "";
alias "font_magnify_manual" "_fbfont_magnify_factor=_fbfont_magnify_factor+1" "";
alias "font_reduce_auto" "if(_fbfont_as_screen_fraction>1){_fbfont_as_screen_fraction=_fbfont_as_screen_fraction+1;}" "";
alias "font_reduce_manual" "_fbfont_magnify_factor=_fbfont_magnify_factor-1" "";
alias "toggle_font_auto_scale" "if(_fbfont_as_screen_fraction<0){_fbfont_as_screen_fraction=0;echo ’Auto font scaling on.’;}else{_fbfont_as_screen_fraction=-1;echo ’Auto font scaling off.’;}" "toggles between manual and auto font scaling control";
alias ’next_file_same_search’ "goto ’+//’;" "go to next file with same search criteria";
alias ’next_file_dir_same’ "goto ’+/s’;" "go to next file in same dir";
alias ’next_file_dir_other’ "goto ’+/S’;" "go to next file in other dir";
alias ’next_file_dir_up’ "goto ’+/u’;" "go to next file up the dir hierarchy";
alias ’next_file_dir_down’ "goto ’+/d’;" "go to next file down the dir hierarchy";
alias ’next_file_same_basename’ "goto ’+/b’;" "go to next file with same basename";
alias ’prev_file_dir_same’ "goto ’-/s’;" "go to prev file in same dir";
alias ’prev_file_dir_other’ "goto ’-/S’;" "go to prev file in other dir";
alias ’prev_file_dir_up’ "goto ’-/u’;" "go to prev file up the dir hierarchy";
alias ’prev_file_dir_down’ "goto ’-/d’;" "go to prev file down the dir hierarchy";
alias ’prev_file_same_basename’ "goto ’-/b’;" "go to prev file with same basename";
#alias "font_magnify" "if(_fbfont_as_screen_fraction<0) {font_magnify_manual;}else{font_magnify_auto;}" "increase font size (either relative or absolute)";
#alias "font_reduce" "if(_fbfont_as_screen_fraction<0) {font_reduce_manual;} else{font_reduce_auto;}" "increase font size (either relative or absolute)";
alias "font_magnify" "_fbfont_as_screen_fraction=-1;font_magnify_manual" "increase absolute font size and set manual font control";
alias "font_reduce" "_fbfont_as_screen_fraction=-1;font_reduce_manual" "decrease absolute font size and set manual font control";
bind "PageUp" "if(_display_console==0){prev;}else{scu;}";
bind "PageDown" "if(_display_console==0){next;}else{scd;}";
bind "Home" "0;";
bind "End" "$;";
bind "^" "0;";
bind "$" "$;";
#bind "Backspace" "prev"; # console code for C-h and Backspace is the same :-)
bind "’" "goto _lastfileindex.’f’.(_lastpageindex+1).’p’";
bind ’"’ "scale ’shadow’;i:fresh=1;redisplay;";
bind ’(’ "goto ’^p’";
bind ’)’ "goto ’$p’";
bind ’Z’ "sleep 1";
_display_status=1; # lower status line
_info_fmt_str="%p%% %wx%h%L %i/%l%P %F %T %c"; # lower right line part
#_display_status_fmt="%N:%k"; #
_display_status_fmt="%N%?EXIF_DateTimeOriginal?[%:EXIF_DateTimeOriginal:]?%?EXIF_ExposureTime?[%:EXIF_ExposureTime:]?%?EXIF_FNumber?[%:EXIF_FNumber:]?%?EXIF_ApertureValue?[%:EXIF_ApertureValue:]?%?EXIF_ISOSpeedRatings?[ISO%:EXIF_ISOSpeedRatings:]?%?_markedfile?[mark on %:_markedfile:]?:%k"; # lower left line part
# funny aliases:
alias "webcam" "pread ’vgrabbj -d /dev/video0’;$" "say cheese";
alias ’espeak’ ’system \’espeak\’ i:_filename." ".i:_comment’ ’say something’;
#_fbfont_as_screen_fraction=-1; # disable auto font scaling
if( _device_string=~’^gtk[^e]*$’ ) {




alias "man_fim" "system ’man’ ’fim’; _display_console=0;toggleVerbosity;";

alias "man_fimrc" "system ’man’ ’fimrc’;_display_console=0;toggleVerbosity;";

alias ’_rebuild_menus’ ’display "reinit" "f";’;

alias ’_rebuild_quieter_menus’ ’_debug_commands=_debug_commands-"m";display "reinit" "fV";’; # remove "m" occurrences from _debug_commands and rebuild

alias ’_rebuild_verboser_menus’ ’_debug_commands=_debug_commands."m";_rebuild_menus;’;

alias ’_rebuild_verbosest_menus’ ’_debug_commands=_debug_commands."mm";_rebuild_menus;’;

alias ’toggle_gtk_menus’ ’if(!_hide_gtk_menus){_hide_gtk_menus=1;}else{_hide_gtk_menus=0;}’;

autocmd "PreInteractiveCommand" "" "if(__internal_state_changed){_rebuild_menus;__internal_state_changed=0;}";

autocmd "PostInteractiveCommand" "" "if(__internal_state_changed){_rebuild_menus;__internal_state_changed=0;}";

autocmd "PreExecutionCycle" "" "if(__internal_state_changed){_rebuild_menus;__internal_state_changed=0;}";

display "menuadd"


"_File/_Open file open C-o"

"_File/Open _directory open_dir "

"_File/_Next file or page next "

"_File/_Next file next_file "

"_File/_Next in other directory next_file_dir_other"

"_File/_Next in this directory next_file_dir_same"


"_File/_Next as last search goto + " # Note that slashes are not supported currently.

"_File/_Next as last search next_file_same_search "

"_File/_Go back to last file goto _lastfileindex "

"_File/_Previous in list prev p"


"_File/Remove from list list ’pop’"


"_File/Remove from list list_remove_and_reload "

"_File/Remove from list list ’remove’;reload "

"_File/Mark list ’mark’"

"_File/Unmark list ’unmark’"

"_File/_Quit quit q"

"_List/Show list"

"_List/_Limit FimMenuLimit/"

"_List/Limit to.../files sized as current one limit ’~z’" #

"_List/Limit to.../files dated as current one limit ’~d’"

"_List/Limit to.../files with duplicate basename limit ’~=’"

"_List/_Unlimit list (reset) unlimit u"

"_List/Reverse list ’reverse’ "

"_List/Sort by name list ’sort’ "

"_List/Sort by size list ’sort_fsize’ "

"_List/Sort by time list ’sort_mtime’ "

"_List/Shuffle randomly list ’random_shuffle’ "

"_List/Mark all list ’markall’ "

"_List/Slideshow/Random random_slideshow "

"_List/Slideshow/Endless endless_slideshow "

"_List/Slideshow/Slideshow time: 0 s _slideshow_sleep_time=0 0.5 s _slideshow_sleep_time=0.5 1 s _slideshow_sleep_time=1 2 s _slideshow_sleep_time=2 3 s _slideshow_sleep_time=3 "

"_List/Slideshow/Stop _stop_slideshow=1 "

"_List/Slideshow/Slow read slowread "

"_List/Slideshow/Fast read fastread "

"_View/ Automirror toggle||_automirror||1||0 " # ’ ’ as external separator, || as internal separator

"_View/||Autoflip||toggle.._autoflip..1..0||" # || as external separator, .. as internal separator


"_View/Scale: _auto _scale_style=a a Scale: by _hand (manual) _scale_style=m m Scale: by _width _scale_style=w w Scale: by _height _scale_style=h h"

"_View/**Scale: 1x**_scale_style= ** **Scale: _auto**_scale_style=a**a**Scale: _auto (till 100%)**_scale_style=b**b**Scale: by _hand (manual)**_scale_style=m**m**Scale: by window _width**_scale_style=w**w**Scale: by window _height**_scale_style=h**h"

"_View/Orientation: normal _orientation=0 Orientation: 90’right _orientation=1 Orientation: upside down _orientation=2 Orientation: 90’ left _orientation=3 "

"_View/Desaturate toggle___autodesaturate__1__0 "

"_View/Autonegate toggle___autonegate__1__0 "

"_View/Vertical scroll/** Default steps: auto**_vsteps=****10%**_vsteps=10%****20%**_vsteps=20%****50%**_vsteps=50%****100%**_vsteps=100%**"

"_View/Vertical scroll/** Skip page fraction if smaller than**_scroll_skip_page_fraction=****disabled**_scroll_skip_page_fraction=-1****1/8**_scroll_skip_page_fraction=8****1/16**_scroll_skip_page_fraction=16**"

"_View/Refresh description & co refresh "

"_View/||Apply EXIF Orientation||toggle.._want_exif_orientation..1..0||"

"_Image/_Mirror toggle__i:mirrored__1__0 m"

"_Image/_Flip toggle&&i:flipped&&1&&0 f" # && as internal separator


"_Image Extras/_Let’s Flip again toggle&&i:flipped&&1&&0 f" # && as internal separator

"_Image/Orientation: normal i:_orientation=0 Orientation: 90’right i:_orientation=1 Orientation: upside down i:_orientation=2 Orientation: 90’ left i:_orientation=3 "

"_Image/EXIF Orientation: normal i:_exif_orientation=0 EXIF Orientation: 90’right i:_exif_orientation=1 EXIF Orientation: upside down i:_exif_orientation=2 EXIF Orientation: 90’ left i:_exif_orientation=3 " # previously __exif_orientation but renamed for the double-symbol-separator convention

"_Window/_Fullscreen toggle**_gtk_fullscreen**1**0 F11"

"_Window/Hide the menu bar (press mouse button to restore) toggle_gtk_menus"


"_Window/Hide menu bar (press mouse button to restore) toggle||_hide_gtk_menus||0||1" # not yet ready to replace toggle_gtk_menus

"_Window/Resize window to image size display ’resize’"

"_Window/Text size reduce font_reduce"

"_Window/Text size magnify font_magnify"

"_Window/Text font: next font ’next’"

"_Window/Text font: prev font ’prev’"

"_Window/Show status line toggle||_display_status||1||0 "

"_Window/Caption over image: None _caption_over_image=0 Caption over image: No background _caption_over_image=1 Caption over image: Black background _caption_over_image=2 Caption over image: Above image, no overlap _caption_over_image=3 "

"_Window/Window caption: minimal _want_wm_caption_status=FIM Window caption: reasonable _want_wm_caption_status=fim:[%i/%l] Window caption: rich _want_wm_caption_status=fim:%N@%p%%%L[%i/%l]%?EXIF_DateTimeOriginal?[%:EXIF_DateTimeOriginal:]? "

"_Window/Mouse click help grid: default _want_wm_mouse_ctrl=’pP+a-=nN Mouse click help grid: simplified _want_wm_mouse_ctrl=ppp+a-nnn "

"_Advanced/Show output console (then hide with Tab) toggleVerbosity v"

"_Advanced/Verbose keys toggle___verbose_keys__1__0 "

"_Advanced/Low execution verbosity _debug_commands=0 Intermediate execution verbosity _debug_commands=ackCm High execution verbosity _debug_commands=ackCmmi "

"_Advanced/Rebuild menus with no verbosity _rebuild_quieter_menus"

"_Advanced/Rebuild menus with tooltips _rebuild_verboser_menus"

"_Advanced/Rebuild menus very verbosely _rebuild_verbosest_menus"

"_Advanced/Verbose menu toggle||_display_busy||1||0"

"_Advanced/Downscale huge images on load toggle||_downscale_huge_at_load||1||0"

"_Advanced/Background prefetch _want_prefetch=2 Foreground prefetch _want_prefetch=1 No prefetch _want_prefetch=0 "

"_Custom actions/_Mark current file mark_current_file"

"_Custom actions/_Go to marked file goto_marked_file"

"_Custom actions/Webcam shot (needs vgrabbj) webcam"

"_Custom actions/Say something (needs espeak) espeak"

"_Custom actions/Max cached memory: 256MiB _max_cached_memory=262144 unlimited _max_cached_memory=0 very little _max_cached_memory=1 80MiB _max_cached_memory=81920 "

"_Custom actions/Max cached images: unlimited _max_cached_images=0 5 _max_cached_images=5 10 _max_cached_images=10 100 _max_cached_images=100 "

"_All actions/_Commands FimMenuCommands/"

"_All actions/_Aliases FimMenuAliases/"

"_All actions/_Key Bindings FimMenuKeyBindings/"

"_All actions/_Variables FimMenuVariables/"

"_Help/_Commands FimMenuCommandsHelp/"

"_Help/_Aliases FimMenuAliasesHelp/"

"_Help/_Key Bindings FimMenuKeyBindingsHelp/"

"_Help/_Variables FimMenuVariablesHelp/"

"_Help/_man FIM man_fim"

"_Help/_man fimrc man_fimrc";

#"_Custom actions/scaling: _auto _scale_style=a a scaling: _auto to original _scale_style=b b scaling: manual _scale_style=m m scaling: by _width _scale_style=w w" # copy for demo purposes

#"_Custom actions/_Toggle flipped flag toggle__i:flipped__1__0 f"

#"_Custom actions/_Submenu/_Frobnicate unmapped_cmd /"

#"_Custom actions/_Submenu/_Defrobnicate unmapped_cmd u"

#"_Custom actions/_Submenu/FimMenuLimit FimMenuLimit/"

#"_Custom actions/_Submenu/_Do-frobnicate unmapped_cmd *" # bad specification

#"_Custom actions/_Submenu/_Fribnikate frobnicate unmapped_cmd *" # bad specification

#"_Custom actions/_Submenu/_Next next *" # bad specification

#"_Custom actions/_Add menu... menu_dialog"

#"_Custom actions/_Toggle full screen view toggle

if (_last_cmd_output!="") quit -1;

help ’’; # WELCOME...
# More examples:
#alias "plisten" ’popen "nc -l -p 9999 "’ "executes fim commands coming from port 9999 on this computer";
#alias "wlisten" "while(1){sleep;plisten;}" "listen to a pipe, endlessly";
#alias "musicplay" "system ’mpc’ ’play’" "";
#alias "musicpause" "system ’mpc’ ’pause’" "";
#alias "rdjpgcom" ’system "rdjpgcom" i:_filename’;
# offsetscan usage : need a mechanism for popping all images before.
#alias "offsetscan" "while(i:width<1){list ’push’ ’blob.jpg’;stdout _open_offset ;_open_offset=_open_offset+1;reload;}";
#alias "webcam_cycle" "while(1){webcam;reload;sleep 1;}";
# This is a FIM initialization file.
# Without it FIM cannot work like it should.
# Feel free to modify it, but with caution!


This manual page could be improved. Certain side effects of commands are not documented. Neither a formal description of the various commands. Interaction of commands and variables is also not completely documented.


The fim language shall be more liberal with quoting.


fim(1), fimgs(1), regex(1).


Michele Martone <dezperado _CUT_ autistici _CUT_ org>


See copyright notice in fim(1).


sections: top tutorials news screenshots documentation download man fim man fimrc man fimgs copyright contact author license bugs

man fimgs




fimgs - poor man’s [http://]PostScript/pdf/dvi/cbr/rar/cbz/zip viewer based on fim


fimgs [ {fimgs-options} ] file [-- [{fim-options}]]


fimgs is a wrapper script which takes a PostScript or pdf or .cbr or .rar or .cbz or .zip or .dvi or any of the above prefixed with http:// or https:// or ssh: as input, renders the pages using ghostscript into a temporary directory and finally calls fim to display them.

In case of compressed archives (in ZIP or RAR formats), the images are decompressed into a directory and displayed using fim. In this case, only images contained in the archive will be displayed (no nested archives or pdf’s or ps’s or dvi’s).

The temporary directory name will be of the form $TMPDIR/fbps-$$. If the $TMPDIR environment variable is unset, /dev/shm and /var/tmp will be checked for existence and permissions. The $$ above is the script process ID. The script deletes the temporary directory when fim terminates.

In order to uncompress RAR archives, fimgs will use ’unrar-nonfree’ or ’rar’ or ’unrar-free’.

In order to uncompress ZIP archives, fimgs will use ’zip’.

In order to uncompress BZ2 files, ’bunzip2’ will be used, if present.

In order to uncompress TAR.GZ or TAR.BZ2 or TAR.XZ archives, fimgs will use ’tar’.

In order to fetch http:// or https:// prefixed URLS, ’wget’ will be used, if present.

In order to fetch ssh: prefixed host:path locations, ’scp’ will be used.

In case of a CBZ, CBR, PDF, PS, or DVI file, will invoke fim with ’--autotop --autowidth’.


To pass through options to fim, you may specify them after "--".

Default options are ’--autozoom’.

-r {resolution} Specify resolution for the ’gs’ -r option (e.g.: 96x96; default 120x120).


Dump a man page for fimgs.

-p {password}

Specify password for the ’gs’ -p (password) option.


Will display a help message.


fim(1), fimrc(1), gs(1), fbi(1), fbgs(1), bash(1) ,zip(1), rar(1), rar-free(1), unrar-free(1), tar(1), gzip(1)


Michele Martone <dezperado _ GUESS _>.


sections: top tutorials news screenshots documentation download man fim man fimrc man fimgs copyright contact author license bugs

Copyright and Thanks

and derives from the Fbi image viewer by Gerd Hoffmann. See the README.TXT file for more licensing info.
	Thanks go to (in temporal order, newer to older):

Leah Neukirchen, for build, configure, testing, and various suggestions
Sijmen J. Mulder, for catching residual bashisms in
Rafael Laboissiere, for several compatibility, correctness, test and build fixes and reports
Martin Klaiber, for pointing out problems and testing
Mohammed Isam, for having provided PCX reading support
Matthieu Crapet, for enabling out-of-tree builds
Marco Barbàra, for testing and critiques
Vitaly Minko, for testing and debugging on ARM
Damiano Biagioli, for early testing
Marta Carbone, for early testing and debugging

sections: top tutorials news screenshots documentation download man fim man fimrc man fimgs copyright contact author license bugs


FIM is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (GPLv2) or later.
You find a FAQ about the GPL here.

sections: top tutorials news screenshots documentation download man fim man fimrc man fimgs copyright contact author license bugs


There are notes about documented bugs in the BUGS.html (BUGS) file.
You are welcome to report bugs and propose patches only after reading the documentation.

sections: top tutorials news screenshots documentation download man fim man fimrc man fimgs copyright contact author license bugs